Wednesday 18 February 2009

"Future Pick" for baby 1st bday ... help!!

I need experience mummies' advice... wats are the items n its meaning for bb to pick on his future ah??

i got a list from one of the forum mummy as follow:

1. Stethoscope - for a medical career

2. Calculator - for a career in the sciences.

3. Stamps - used in

China to authenticate documents, and if a child picks up the stamp, they will most likely become a high-ranking official or a person of great power.

4. Celery - the child will be hard-working, or "qin lao."


Orange - stands for fortune

6. Green onions - represent intelligence

7. Pen - will have a career in the literary arts (eg a writer, a scholar, or even a journalist)


What are some other items u have to add on??


I heard of Drumstick, ruler etc.. means wat ah??


  1. Thanks to mummy Liyun.. she give me this blog

    this list in tat blog =
    1. A Book - become a teacher
    2. A $50 dollar note - he/she may be rich
    3. A Calculator - may be a businessman/women
    4. A Ruler - may become a lawyer
    5. A Pen / Pencil - may become a writer
    6. A Chicken Drumstick - will not have to worry about food, and that baby may become a food gourmet

  2. wow... i should see your post earlier.. my son just had his bd last week...

    his nanny advise me to put ruler, book, food, calculator and $, but then all stands for something good de.. eg. ruler = design career, book = teaching career, food = eatery career, calculator = accounts career or own boss and $ = own boss...

    you believe in this?

  3. haha.. believe is one thing.. jus do it for fun ah... no harm de ma..hehe

    then wat did ur son pick??

  4. i agree it is fun , just for fun & phototaking :p hope i dun forget to do it on his Lunar bday
    when r u doing for Shawn

  5. I m doing it next sun.. during shawn birthday party.. cos tat day is his lunar bday oso :)
