Monday 2 February 2009

Our first Chinese new year with Shawn

I have so much to update. Posted lots of picture. Hoping to keep a record of shawn’s first cny with us. Where sld I start with…

Eve of eve of CNY.. 24Jan2009

Had my reunion dinner with my mummy at yishun. This year was a bit disappointed by my brother. He follow his gf to go back msia. At first he wana skip the dinner n jus go in. I complain abt how he can skip reunion dinner like that. N he say we have dinner every sat. So no different to him. But in the end, he ask my mummy to push forward the dinner to 4pm+. So he take his dinner le then go in… I know my mum was upset over this.. but wat to do.. u cant ctrl thing..

Eve of CNY..25Jan2009

Wake up as early as usual. Bring shawn down for a walk at 8am+ then got back at 9am for his breakfast cereal. Then we (hubby n I) went out for breakfast at Jalan Kayu prata shop.  Had our reunion first at 4pm+ then later hubby ah yi and jiu jiu with his family come. We had our first yu shen. Shawn slept as usual at 9.30+. while Hubby n I half aslp.. waiting for the count down.. haha.. Lucky I manage to wake up at 11.55pm.. in time to wake dear up to count down..

CNY Chu Yi… 26Jan2009

Wake up as usual n bring shawn for a walk. The park was so quiet. Only a silly mummy n tutu shawn walking at the park. Let him play the slide..walk ard the playground.. Went back home to let him eat his breakfast n bath then slp.. while hubby n I went out for Prata shop..AGAIN.. Got home n wait for shawn to wake up n bring him to Wai Po hse. My mum working in the morning. Hence can only go in the late afternoon. Mum cook for us to eat. Stay there til evening.. then we went back.

Everyone waiting for us to go home. To get reali to go to Seng’s Aunty place. Shawn happen to see one of Seng’s cousin boy who is 15mth old le.. he was so active. N keep wana hug shawn. I was trying to hold on to shawn to prevent him hurting shawn. N end up he still bang his head on shawn’s. Luckly shawn got train at home de.. haha (Rmb I say he will knock his head on the wall when I tell him to b careful..else wait knock head on wall pain pain de..tats how he train..hehe)

CNY Chu Er.. 27Jan2009

Shawn woke up for milk very early tdy..then got back to slp..n woke up again at 8.30a.. I tot tats good.. since he woke up late.. we can go ZOO.. n skip his morning nap.. I M WRONG..

we reach the Zoo at 11am.. very crowded n weather was hot.. shawn refuse to sit in the stroller after a while.. so I got to carry him.. he refuse to let daddy to carry oso.. he only see MOVING animal.. white tiger.. stationery there.. he cant see.. n keep looking at the fishes in the water..*faint** he start to get cracky after a while.. to the must b hungry.. quickly went to get some hot water.. n mix the instant rice cereal for him.. he ate very fast.. mouth after mouth… then when come to last mouth.. he burp out one big mouth of cereal… n everything flow to his new romper.. I got so kan cheong.. n starter scolding daddy.. hahaha.. (crazy me!!)

Quickly went to the nearby KFC.. stand by the side of the basin n change him.. no body bother to give up their seat for us.. even a not a empty chair.. they use it to put their bags n refuse to give up for us.. hai.. sporean..

Soon shawn fall aslp in his stroller le.. we carry on our walk.. bought him a hat.. but he was sleeping.. miss all the toys..

Went back home to fatch my mum to er yi place.. shawn was having fun at her place..

Then we went to Ang Bao river.. shawn was so tired then.. slept in the car..

CNY Chu San… 28Jan2009

So fast..chu san le.. bring my mum to sentosa today.. she loves the flower.. I wana go cos shawn was in me last yr.. we went there.. so this yr I wan he b there.. n see the flower himself..

weather was so hot.. n I tot let him kick the water at the fountain.. n end up.. he loves it.. n got himself all wet.. got to change him again..

Met one of the online bubby danadele.. and see her baby gid.. I cant recognise her.. I m reali lousy in rmb faces… Lucky she call out my name.. else I wld have miss the chance to see her J

Started work on thur.. hubby still on leave.. (so envy!!) He drove me to work.. as usual whenever he is on leave.. had our breakfast at the nearby coffeeshop.. then he went fishing at 17th avenue. N he catch a big fish.. think got 3kg ba.. he was so excited.. call to tell me.. n there goes his story..(repeat again n again.. my lo so ah lau.. haha!!)

CNY Chu Qi.. 2Feb2009

Bring shawn to swim at 5pm.. Cos mil complain abt water too cold in the morning.. so we change it to evening swim.. (water is still very cold lol) he enjoy the swim le.. refuse to use the float after we took him out from the float.. he can reach the baby pool.. can walk even in his float.. haha.. my shawn has grow up a lot ba.. sld measure him once of these days..

then went back for dinner as usual.. then hurry dear,.. to bath.. cos I wan go down to wait for the chinggay neighbour parade.. net say the vehicle will pass by at 8.45 -9.15pm.. wait n wait.. but still nothing.. 9.30pm.. we go back home.. so disappointed.. tot shawn can see the mei mei car car… cos he start asking for nah nah le.. so got to go home…

was feeding him in our bedroom.. which window face the yio chu kang rd.. at 10.30pm.. saw those vehicle pass by le.. n shawn is sleeping le.. %^&#*!%^…

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