Tuesday 3 February 2009

Last time pumping in office

Suddenly.. this morning i rmb abt this.. i must record down.. the last day i bring my big bag.. with all the pump n bottle to office to pump...

n tats 29 Jan 2009.. the first day i return to work after chinese new year...

now i only latch shawn on every morning b4 i leave for work.. then evening go back i will pump once... can get abt 200-250ml only le.. slowly will stop pump .. n mayb keep to latch only...

difficult to wean off breastfeed... problem is not on shawn ... is MYSELF... i loves latching him on... how ah.. keke!!


  1. me too.....i love latching my girl on too....altoough grumbling hw le cheh how inconvenient i love the feeling of been needed.

  2. meme! i also love the feeling of being needed..
    y do u wanna wean?

  3. cos I wana to plan for sec one le.. must let mens come back first.. then I can go according my plan ma.. hehe

  4. oh, ur menses not back yet?? Mine came back when Ryan turned 8mths. Then in ur case bobian. Otherwise u can still bf while being preg.

  5. jus come back.. when i start him one feed on fm..on 16Jan... duno when will b my next mens.. wana to see the cycle to calculate...hehehe...

    u on tbf?? how come mens will come back de ah??

  6. menses will come back de. juz when niah... u can carry on wif bfing, maybe do partial lor...

  7. gals, my menses came 1st time last month and then it went MIA again... already missing for 1 week liao and nope, I am not preggie as I tested with a kit liao. Am still on total bf for my gal wor. Jia lat, think i want to plan for no 2 oso cannot. I dunno when is my menses coming... :(

  8. ya.. i intend to mix.. i only pump once in the evening daily le.. then latch shawn for the morning.. some time after pump..shawn jus wana latch for comfort..

    hope my mens come on time la.. hehe

    Jaspire .. u oso planin for sec one le ah.. hehe.. we very supportive to goverment hor.. but i will only TTC from apr onward.. if now preg.. mean accident le wo.. hehe

  9. jaspire, my menses also very farni. last mth was 3rd time only. but it din come on fixed date.

    so i dunno feb will come or have to wait till early mar...
    but i also very scared of #2. so whenever it's late, i sure test first.. keke

  10. claudia, me will only TTC from apr onwards too. But dun think now will have lah... cos really no menses leh.

    pruehalliwell, y scared of #2? I enjoy the infancy stage of my gal wor... hee... looking forward to holding the newborn but not the preggie stage... scared of puking. LOL!

  11. i love infants too. but by e time #2 really comes, i think i'm be home-bound for the nxt 3years... So i do not want that to happen.
    Now wif #1 i m already home-bounded on wkdays. (Btw, i m a SAHM)
    Absolutely no ME time...
