Sunday 8 February 2009

I m crying

I m crying inside me.. so sad so disappointed.. I duno how to pen down how bad I feel now…

received a bad news this morning.. my good pal (‘P’).. in process to divorce with her 12yr long relationship hubby.. tat guy (‘G’) told her… he love his 4mth long gf more then her now.. I feel the hurt when she told me this.. I cant imagine if seng told me this.. will I give him a big slap?? or will I b too shock to react??

G wan to divorce.. P suggest to go marriage counseling.. but G refused.. he give up le.. P try many ways to save this.. all bcos for their child…

I recall back.. last yr at this time.. we were expecting our bb together.. happily.. see the couple every wk during our prenatal course… how come things can jus change over less then 12 mths time?? y??

I attended a wedding last sat.. bride n groom was smiling all the way.. everyone was so happy.. everyone were blessing the newly wed.. does all the blessing last??

When every couple got marry.. can anyone forget wat happen on tat day?? how happy they were on tat wedding day… wat they have gone thro to reach tat stage of life?? When he decided to do something funny.. will all these flash back in his mind?? will he think twice b4 he do it?? does he rmb he still have a lovely bb at home?? how he will destroy the family ??

I sms seng.. I tell him I m affected.. I m upset.. he promise .. but .. but ..


  1. i feel sad for ur gf. This kind of things rarely affect women, as in we wun leave our hb & kid for a new relationship, men r dif..
    still rmb the blog tat soemone put abt this man leaving his wife when the wife is still pregnant..scary

  2. ya i rmb.. tat gal from a bank de rite...

    hai .. y must man do tat.. y cant they treasure us like how we treasure them...

  3. once men change heart, they can be quite juei2 qing2..i read in Vanilla magazine abt a SAHM whose hb left her & her two sons after he got a gf ..he just packed and go alto his 5 year old son was so upset..the father just wave them goodbye and said I will see you on sat to the son..
    and every sat, the son will wait eagerly at the gate for the father..tat article really breaks my heart

  4. but again there r all kind of men..Sunday times talk abt this director who earns a lot, gave his wife all his $ and yet the wife is so nasty to him, make him sleep in another room, refuses to eat with him on his birthday and brings the sons out to dine with her sister on tat day..refuses to talk to him etc etc..the article is under emotional abuse..
    yet he did not leave her, cos he scares that he cannot find another wife

  5. all kind of ppl rite..

    my boss n his mrs oso very loving.. together every day 24hrs stick together.. i wish i can b like them when i m old..

    I only wan a simple n happy family.. with guai guai kids n loving hubby..

  6. i feel sad too after reading your blog... :( how fragile everything in this world is...

  7. very upsetting indeed... i also ever told my hb tat i'll do anything to salvage the marriage if it ever happens to me... *touch wood*
    then hb kept on reassuring me... very scary. i also very simple, loving hb & obedient kids.

  8. just to be abit fair.. it don only happen to the female. I know of males whom the wife did them bad...

  9. i felt sad too after reading your blog, hmm.. it juz shows temptations are everywhere & is depend on u whether how u wanna resist it..

  10. very sad to hear what happen to yr friend, hug hug to u.

  11. thanks ladies..

    i know my gf will b very strong.. for the seek of her bb.. tat the how wei da mummies are...

  12. how old is the bb ?
    paiseh for using such a strong word, but i think the hb is really heartless

  13. bb goin 1yo next mth...

    suspect he kana black magic ah.. i know i m silly la.. but how can someone b so heartless..

  14. black magic... dun think so.
    prob when anybody change their hearts, nobody can hold them back...

  15. haiz, we just have to accept the fact tat the world is unfair, right now a pal's pal's loving hb and committed father is fighting for his life after an accident ..there is a saying tat good men die young ? just feel very upset for the wife & the 5 months old gal now

  16. o my.. pray tat he will b fine.. y must good man go thro these n heartless one enjoying life... dun understand y must it b like this..
