Tuesday 30 June 2009

Our 2nd wedding anniversary – 30 June 2009

I m Mrs yap for two years le.. tats fast.. I can still clearly recall wat happen two years back… n this year.. I m mother of one (shawn) and mother to be of another inside me.. hee.. life is getting more n more interesting with more to expect..


We had our first celebration on Sun nite.. had dinner at Botak Jone…at AMK… tot of getting a cake.. but was too full after the meal.. so decided not ..


Then yty.. cos I have to get my MC from my gyna for Fri detail scan at TMC… so we decided to have dinner at pizza hut.. n tabao a pizza back for mil.. we have a wonderful time at the hut..eating..chating..

As usual.. no present/gift for each other.. haha.. our usual practice.. we dun need occasion to buy each other gifts lol…

To my de arest hubby: Thanksfor everything for the pass 24mths.. esp.. the support u give me during my exam period.. giving up ur car to me n ride to work daily.. subjecting to all the weather condition etc… trying ur best to fulfil everything I wan.. accompany shawn n I back to my mother place every sat without fail.. accompany me to gyna on every visit… n many many… Love u dear..

Saturday 20 June 2009

New toy for Shawn :)

Bought here thro bp online sometime back.. only get to collect it last nite at AMK.. set it up once i got home.. hee.. jus nice for shawn.. the size..stool.. all jus the rite size for him now.. i love it.. but but...i duno how to play piano...
anyone can teach me some basic???

Friday 19 June 2009

Dental appointment

Start:     Jul 30, '09 08:30a
@ TTS.. to see specialist for my wisdomtooth problem.. hope i dun need to remove it.. possible??

Gyna appointment

Start:     Jul 10, '09 6:00p
Lost count of # wat visit liao.. hee.. Will get to see the NT scan by then :)

Gyna visit.. 19 Jun 2009

Went for check up yty.. come home first.. wait for dear.. then we go clinic together

Was so surprise to see Lishan (Susie) there.. had a nice chat with her while waiting..

Everything is ok ..scan show bb is 11w1d old.. 3.83cm.. Edd now is 7Jan2010 le.. keep changing one..

Now can see bb hands & legs clearly le.. i still feel excited over tat.. hee..

Will need to go TMC to do NT Scan on 3Jul.. hope everything is fine.. n mayb can know bb gender?? possible???

After check up, we went to yoshinoya for dinner.. then rush home.. cos shawn sleepin time soon.. i need to attend to him..

Sweet shawn.. saw us back.. he was huggin his pillow.. waiting for us le.. but when he saw us.. he got excited.. n start walkin ard ... mil eat her food.. n shawn wanted to eat oso.. i got to give him biscuit to keep him quiet... finish one pack biscuit.. then follow by 250ml milk.. n he fall aslp at 9.45pm..


Wednesday 17 June 2009

Thur 18 June 2009..

This is my 4th day driving to work.. i still prefer riding.. can avoid all the jams.. and save on the erp.. lucky these few day i manage to get the 'free' lot.. else per day parking will cos my $10 liao.. had check on the season parking.. but down my ofc building..full liao.. must take the carpark one blk away.. park there then walk over.. i m still considering whether to get it or not.. hope i can get the 'free' lot everyday.. hee.. then i can save on parking liao..

BB in me is 10wk old le.. will be goin for check up tml..hope bb is fine.. i m having ES(evening sickness) these days.. will start ard 3-4pm.. til nite.. dinner appetite wasnt good.. n i get tired at nite..dun even have mood to play with shawn.. feel so sorry for him.. *hugZ & Kiss shawn* even for hubby.. i m sorry too.. reali too tired these days.. hardly chat with u oso.. *kiss seng*

Some update on Shawn:

- He can call papa, mama, nai nai, pepper, apple, nana(banana), neh neh(milk), mum mum(eat), mien bao(bread), water, open, ah na(agreed) clearly..

- He understand us well.. whenever we tell him we r goin gai gai.. go get his shoe.. he will go to the shoe rack n bring his shoe to me.. to wear for him.. he will oso sit on the floor n let us remove his shoe when he reach home.. then carry the shoe n keep at the rack..

- He know how to Kiss us.. give us big hugs.. when dear n i reach home from work.. he will give us big hugs n kiss when he see us...

- He know b4 sleep must greet nai nai good nite... by give nai nai goodnite kiss or flying kiss..

- He know wake up must greet nai nai, pa pa & ma ma..

- He know how to play basketball.. he can bring all kinds of ball to the basket n throw..

- He can self feed all sort of dry food, finger food..

- He loves pepper.. he will sayang pepper, beat pepper back ( pep got no fur now.. beat his back for big loud) then he will laugh.. he know pepper scare of wat toys.. he will bring it to pepper to make him ran ard the hse.. then he stand there n laugh..

- He loves to EAT.. none stop.. wonder he know when is he full??? ( got pa pa gene la.. hehe)

-He can walk, ran, climb now.. very active everyday...

-He know how to play his tricycle by moving backward (*faint*)

-He throw temper whether i dun get wat he wan.. he stamp his feet.. ran to one corner to cry.. bang his head on door/wall/window/floor..N he start to spit recently when he got angry..

-He loves High5

- He loves to b in control.. hold on to tv remote control.. aim at the tv.. if not movement.. he knew tat we bluff him with a wrong remote.. will start searching for the rite one..

- He is willing to share his star biscuit with others.. even pepper..

-He can more up n down steps .. without our support.

-He is scare of motorbike boom boom sound.. if he heard tat.. he will throw away watever on his hand n ran to us n hug us tight...

-He need to hold on or hug on us.. when he need to poo poo... sometime half way thro meal time.. if he suddenly walk to us.. then lay his hand on our leg or hug us.. then stay at the position for a while.. we knew he is passing motion liao..

-He loves to ask pa pa to carry him.. then pa pa kick his big ball...

-He will tap his chest to express tat he is scare of something..

-He know gai gai..go out must take key to out doors..

He will nob his head to represent yes.. he wan..

Shawn daily routine now:

4-6am: will wake up for milk (180ml)

6-9am: will wake up, depend on when was his milk time.. if he wake up early at 4am for milk.. he can slp on til 9pm :)

9am: wash butt..change to training pant..brush teeth..wash face.. then take breakfast ( 1bowl cereal + bread)

10am: Bath

10.30-11am: morning nap

12.30pm: Lunch (1 bowl porridge) + watch Hi5 on Okto channel

2.30pm: Fruit time (Apple/banana/papaya/pear)

3.30pm: Milk time(120ml) + afternn nap

4-5pm: wake up.. playtime/read book/kick ball etc etc

5.30pm: dinner (1bowl porridge)

6pm: bathing

7.30pm: Join us dinner.. half bowl rice + soup

8pm: Go park walk walk.. playground play with other kids

9-9.30pm: Milk (250ml) + Sleepin time... He will fall aslp after drinkin his milk..

Miss out so much update abt him.. cant only recall part of it liao..

Baby teeth chart :

Pictures of teeth #2. Primary teeth chart - Milk / deciduous teeth eruption age


1. central incisors 2. Lateral incisors
3. Canines 4. First molars 5. Second molars

Shawn now have 8 front tooth ( Centre & Lateral incisors) all out long ago.. now one left lower First molars fully pop out.. rite first molars half way thro..Top two first molars all on the way.. All this teething have cause diarrhoea for him.. but he is still active.. n eating well.. so i didn bother much..





Monday 15 June 2009

First wkend after exam..

Sun 14 Jun 2009

First time bring shawn to fly kite... always wanted to do tat... but busy over revision... at last we did it...

Mon 15 Jun 2009

Tdy.. first time i drove to work.. tot wana go early to park somewhere outside ..free parking ma.. but end up.. space taken up by lorry.. so i got to go into the carpark.. had ask boss to get me season parking here.. hope to get it soon.. else hrly parking too x le ba..

when i come in ofc tdy.. happen to check the mails.. n saw application of position.. then i come to know boss getting extra helper ... Y??? ..to cover me when i go on maternity leave?? or.. expanding??? or....



Wednesday 10 June 2009

My Exam OVER la... :)

So happy tat exam is over le.. whether wats the result.. i duno wana thk now.. hehe

at least.. i have attempt all my papers.. even if i fail this round.. i would only need to retake... no more lessons liao..

now i can happily enjoy my pregnancy.. n wait for my #2 arrival liao..

Thanks to my mother in law... she is reali supportive.. without her.. i m sure i cant rest my heart fully n study for the pass few wks... i love u mother.. thanks

Thanks to hubby.. for being so nice n help me look after shawn when i m attending lesson... alway video call me when i m havin break during lesson days... to let my see shawn.. motivate me...

Thanks to shawn ... the big kiss he give me when even i m so tired over my revision.. b4 i go for my exam.. the hugZ n kissZ..

Monday 8 June 2009

3rd visit to the gynae - 2 Jun 2009

Went to compasspoint to meet my hubby.. i went in to register first while waitin for hubby.. quite crowded tat day.. we went shop shop while waiting...

Everything is fine :) BB heartbeat blinking :)...

Ask doc abt my Edd - 11 Jan 2010

Ask doc abt how many wks m i - 8weeks 1 day

Dr still advice not to walk, shop, ran, etc etc.. still advice to rest more.. My spoting had stop le :) good news.. i oso slowly cut down on the duphaston tab le.. n obvious myself.. hope next visit can tell dr i dun need tat le..

GUESS: hehe.. from my scan pic.. oval long shape with tail sac... i guess i might have a bor bor this round.. hehe.. jus see if i got it rite..keke

30 May 2009.. first visit to the Moriah childcare

Arrange with the centre supervisor, Caroline, to visit the centre tdy....

Went at 10am.. Hubby, mil n i with shawn, we visited the centre @ 409 fernvale... Caroline was busy attending the parent meet up.. hence we waited for her at the other side of the centre...

Then centre is divided into two side.. one for N1 onward.. the other side is for infants and toddlers.. while waiting.. shawn join the kids there to play.. he seem to enjoy himself very much.. mix with the elder kor kor n jie jie... share with them the toys...

Caroline explain to me all the issue i was concern with... all the questions she helps to clear for me.. hehe.. one long list...

While hubby n i was talking to caroline in her office... the teacher bring shawn to play at their play area.. he didn even look for daddy n mummy.. jus play happily there... teacher told us..shawn was so friendly.. haha...

no time to update liao.. shawn wan bao bao liao.. hehe.. continue again ba.. :)