Tuesday 30 June 2009

Our 2nd wedding anniversary – 30 June 2009

I m Mrs yap for two years le.. tats fast.. I can still clearly recall wat happen two years back… n this year.. I m mother of one (shawn) and mother to be of another inside me.. hee.. life is getting more n more interesting with more to expect..


We had our first celebration on Sun nite.. had dinner at Botak Jone…at AMK… tot of getting a cake.. but was too full after the meal.. so decided not ..


Then yty.. cos I have to get my MC from my gyna for Fri detail scan at TMC… so we decided to have dinner at pizza hut.. n tabao a pizza back for mil.. we have a wonderful time at the hut..eating..chating..

As usual.. no present/gift for each other.. haha.. our usual practice.. we dun need occasion to buy each other gifts lol…

To my de arest hubby: Thanksfor everything for the pass 24mths.. esp.. the support u give me during my exam period.. giving up ur car to me n ride to work daily.. subjecting to all the weather condition etc… trying ur best to fulfil everything I wan.. accompany shawn n I back to my mother place every sat without fail.. accompany me to gyna on every visit… n many many… Love u dear..