Wednesday 17 June 2009

Thur 18 June 2009..

This is my 4th day driving to work.. i still prefer riding.. can avoid all the jams.. and save on the erp.. lucky these few day i manage to get the 'free' lot.. else per day parking will cos my $10 liao.. had check on the season parking.. but down my ofc building..full liao.. must take the carpark one blk away.. park there then walk over.. i m still considering whether to get it or not.. hope i can get the 'free' lot everyday.. hee.. then i can save on parking liao..

BB in me is 10wk old le.. will be goin for check up tml..hope bb is fine.. i m having ES(evening sickness) these days.. will start ard 3-4pm.. til nite.. dinner appetite wasnt good.. n i get tired at nite..dun even have mood to play with shawn.. feel so sorry for him.. *hugZ & Kiss shawn* even for hubby.. i m sorry too.. reali too tired these days.. hardly chat with u oso.. *kiss seng*

Some update on Shawn:

- He can call papa, mama, nai nai, pepper, apple, nana(banana), neh neh(milk), mum mum(eat), mien bao(bread), water, open, ah na(agreed) clearly..

- He understand us well.. whenever we tell him we r goin gai gai.. go get his shoe.. he will go to the shoe rack n bring his shoe to me.. to wear for him.. he will oso sit on the floor n let us remove his shoe when he reach home.. then carry the shoe n keep at the rack..

- He know how to Kiss us.. give us big hugs.. when dear n i reach home from work.. he will give us big hugs n kiss when he see us...

- He know b4 sleep must greet nai nai good nite... by give nai nai goodnite kiss or flying kiss..

- He know wake up must greet nai nai, pa pa & ma ma..

- He know how to play basketball.. he can bring all kinds of ball to the basket n throw..

- He can self feed all sort of dry food, finger food..

- He loves pepper.. he will sayang pepper, beat pepper back ( pep got no fur now.. beat his back for big loud) then he will laugh.. he know pepper scare of wat toys.. he will bring it to pepper to make him ran ard the hse.. then he stand there n laugh..

- He loves to EAT.. none stop.. wonder he know when is he full??? ( got pa pa gene la.. hehe)

-He can walk, ran, climb now.. very active everyday...

-He know how to play his tricycle by moving backward (*faint*)

-He throw temper whether i dun get wat he wan.. he stamp his feet.. ran to one corner to cry.. bang his head on door/wall/window/floor..N he start to spit recently when he got angry..

-He loves High5

- He loves to b in control.. hold on to tv remote control.. aim at the tv.. if not movement.. he knew tat we bluff him with a wrong remote.. will start searching for the rite one..

- He is willing to share his star biscuit with others.. even pepper..

-He can more up n down steps .. without our support.

-He is scare of motorbike boom boom sound.. if he heard tat.. he will throw away watever on his hand n ran to us n hug us tight...

-He need to hold on or hug on us.. when he need to poo poo... sometime half way thro meal time.. if he suddenly walk to us.. then lay his hand on our leg or hug us.. then stay at the position for a while.. we knew he is passing motion liao..

-He loves to ask pa pa to carry him.. then pa pa kick his big ball...

-He will tap his chest to express tat he is scare of something..

-He know gai gai..go out must take key to out doors..

He will nob his head to represent yes.. he wan..

Shawn daily routine now:

4-6am: will wake up for milk (180ml)

6-9am: will wake up, depend on when was his milk time.. if he wake up early at 4am for milk.. he can slp on til 9pm :)

9am: wash butt..change to training pant..brush teeth..wash face.. then take breakfast ( 1bowl cereal + bread)

10am: Bath

10.30-11am: morning nap

12.30pm: Lunch (1 bowl porridge) + watch Hi5 on Okto channel

2.30pm: Fruit time (Apple/banana/papaya/pear)

3.30pm: Milk time(120ml) + afternn nap

4-5pm: wake up.. playtime/read book/kick ball etc etc

5.30pm: dinner (1bowl porridge)

6pm: bathing

7.30pm: Join us dinner.. half bowl rice + soup

8pm: Go park walk walk.. playground play with other kids

9-9.30pm: Milk (250ml) + Sleepin time... He will fall aslp after drinkin his milk..

Miss out so much update abt him.. cant only recall part of it liao..

Baby teeth chart :

Pictures of teeth #2. Primary teeth chart - Milk / deciduous teeth eruption age


1. central incisors 2. Lateral incisors
3. Canines 4. First molars 5. Second molars

Shawn now have 8 front tooth ( Centre & Lateral incisors) all out long ago.. now one left lower First molars fully pop out.. rite first molars half way thro..Top two first molars all on the way.. All this teething have cause diarrhoea for him.. but he is still active.. n eating well.. so i didn bother much..






  1. so many teeth.. ryan is only popping out his lateral incisors now.
    i have problem brushing ryan's teeth as there is only 2 top/ 2 bottom.

  2. wow, shawn is such a good-manner "gentleboy"!! well done!

  3. hehe.. brushing is only to make it a habit for him.. not reali brush in detail la.. their tooth so small now.. i oso scare brush too hard n hurt his grum lol..

    goodmanner but not gentle wo.. haha.. he is very chor lo one.. sayang ppl can b so hard.. like slappin ppl lol..

  4. i c u realli update shawn's list. the pt abt his poo poo action is v funny.. hehe. oh, after reading this post, i've been teaching my babe to hug or kiss me.. alamak, she doesn't want!! *sob sob*.. she prefers to do it to her soft toys.
