Saturday 20 June 2009

New toy for Shawn :)

Bought here thro bp online sometime back.. only get to collect it last nite at AMK.. set it up once i got home.. hee.. jus nice for shawn.. the size..stool.. all jus the rite size for him now.. i love it.. but but...i duno how to play piano...
anyone can teach me some basic???


  1. really very nice toy ! how much is it ? =)
    btw, i think this can give u twinkle twinkle little stars
    1 refers to 1st button, 5 refers to 5th buttons

  2. Yes, looks like a nice toy but hubby think its too expensive. He say better to buy a real bigger one. :P

  3. yup. i agree to the real bigger one...
    i am handing mine to ryan once he turns 4yo. (big enuff to reach the pedals) lol

  4. wao! cool~ how much it cost? can i know?

  5. thanks for the numbering.. hee.. easy to understand for me wo.. i like tat.. anymore to share??

    i spend abt $60+ on tat only.. not reali tat x rite?? hee.. cos i dun have a reali one to pass down to him ma..

  6. Where you get this? My colleague is interested. Very cute.

  7. this is cute, i don't it's expensive... think abt the toy keyboards, they cost ard 20-30 dollars, and they are not even so 'professional' looking. good buy!

  8. now having a BP on this too .. hmm.. after seeing urs m so tempted to get one.. but dun noe which model to get..
