Monday 8 June 2009

3rd visit to the gynae - 2 Jun 2009

Went to compasspoint to meet my hubby.. i went in to register first while waitin for hubby.. quite crowded tat day.. we went shop shop while waiting...

Everything is fine :) BB heartbeat blinking :)...

Ask doc abt my Edd - 11 Jan 2010

Ask doc abt how many wks m i - 8weeks 1 day

Dr still advice not to walk, shop, ran, etc etc.. still advice to rest more.. My spoting had stop le :) good news.. i oso slowly cut down on the duphaston tab le.. n obvious myself.. hope next visit can tell dr i dun need tat le..

GUESS: hehe.. from my scan pic.. oval long shape with tail sac... i guess i might have a bor bor this round.. hehe.. jus see if i got it rite..keke

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