Saturday 30 January 2010

Roy full mth tdy..

We had the buffet celebration yty at home .. Lots of relatives n frens turn up for baby Roy... With lots of ang bao n gifts.. Thanks to everyone ...

We order our buffet from Liang food catering and cakes from melrose... Food wasn prefect.. But acceptable with their promo n without gst n transport charges .. I think still wonder tat price ah...

I have some wonderful frens who turn up at Roy party.. Ning n mike.. Who come by first.. We have nice chat while other still haven't arrive.. Shiling oso come all the way here n she didn go back msia jus cos Roy.. Ferlyn n her big ger come later.. She make all the way here from redhill.. N oso huiling with Giselle.. Expecting mummy carried this big ger in her arm sleeping.. Not easy ah.. Thanks to all of them to make themselves free to come by

n seng's buddies JianAn, WenBin, Hanyi with Winnie n Ashton... Haven seen Ashton for months le.. He reali become so sensible.. So guai as compare to active Shawn..

All our relatives.. My shan Yi.. My two cousins with their family.. Dear's aunty and gu gu and cousin.. All come share with us this joyful day...

And not to forget the hamper we received from shan, alex, Janice & Peijun... Thanks

party starts at 1-4 pm.. We order only food for 30 pax.. But still end up with lots of leftover.. Pack the food n pass some to Seng aunty.. N we still have lots more to eat for dinner..

Shawn went sch as usual.. N I went to bring him back at 12.30pm with my mum n bro n yt.. He fall aslp at sch.. So I carry him all the way back home to slp.. Hr slp til abt 2.30 pm.. Wake up n see some many ppl.. He got excited n play along with all the kids..

Roy was excited I guess.. Can't get to slp all the way til 2pm.. So I give up ebm to make him feel full hopin he will slp.. But he start to wake up abt 3pm le.. Haha mayb too noise ba..

Nite he got bit fussy ah.. So scare he got use to carry n cry for tat.. I insist dun carry n let him cry.. Haha.. Guess sec child.. Hence more willin to let him cry hard le.. Haha.. Learn from lesson le ma...

Lastly must thanks my mum for the curry she cook.. My mil to organize this party with me.. She start busy since fri lol.. Ofcos hubby Seng.. He bit sick yet must entertain all te guest..

Tdy Roy is officially 1 mth old le.. Times flies.. Esp in baby.. Get to c him change faster n he looks so diff from birth..

Will I miss a baby again n wan 3rd bb in future??? Hahaha...

Tuesday 26 January 2010


Haven been updating anything in my blog for sometime.. Partly due to busy over Roy. Plus Shawn fallin sick this wk... This make my day more busy lol..

Last sat I kee SIAO after the tiring nite feedin.. I self declare confinement if OVER .. Dun understd y I need to confine myself when I dun have enough rest nor good food.. So jus forget it la.. Pu can alway b done anytime ma.. Y only within tat one mth???

Shawn has need missin sch since mon.. He catch the germs from the sch.. So worry pass on to di di.. Try to separate them now..

Dun understd y sone parent can b so irresponsible to send their kids to sch when they r still coughing n havin runnin nose.. I went to ask the teacher this mornin.. At first she say dun have.. Then I say my mil heard Pareto instructing teacher how to feed medicine leh.. Then she say ya.. Some parent got to work.. Can't look after.. So can't b help.. Tats so unfair rite.. After Shawn recover.. I m goin to bring this up to the lead teacher le..

Roy has been .. Quite guai I sld say .. Day time I feed him le.. He will either go to slp or lying there n play by himself.. His feedin interval at abt 2 hrs now.. Still will fall aslp after latch on one side.. Can c he is Putin on weight le.. So I m glad my mummy milk is working...

Will b celebrating Roy full mth this sat.. Havin mini buffet at home.. Was quite disappointed with some frens.. Not tat I can't accept they not coming... Jus tat I dun expect is from someone I tot is my best pal... Anyway.. I sld know tat I m not tat best pal's best fren after all.. Fren r jus fren lol.. Sometime someone u tot jus fren can b even more sincere.. Learn my lesson...

On monday.. Brought Shawn to gp.. Check on his weigth n height.. @ 22mth 13 days old ... He is 13.7kg and 92 cm tall... Is tat healthy weight?? Got to check out the health book le..

Little Roy wake up soon.. Better go feed Shawn medicine first.. Tats a tough task.. He jus bite me this mornin when I force him to take medicine.. Hai.. Is my bao yin la.. Tats how I treat my mum last time.. Refuse to take medicine ma.. Now I know how she feel.. Sorry mummy 

Saturday 9 January 2010

Day 10 since Roy born...

Tdy is day 10 of my confinement ... Mil havin problem preparing my confinement .. She duno wat to cook for mr everyday.. Keep askin me wat I wana eat.. Some days may end up only one vege n one soup .. She is gettin blur .. Mayb Shawn make her too busy ba..

Til Now I still didn silm down much.. How ah.. I start my massage on day 7 til Now I did 3 session le.. Tummy reali firm up a bit.. At least not so big le.. But weight still same leh.. @70kg... Hai..

Roy is still in tbf.. Supply has some in n no problem latch on le.. Nipple oso season le.. No longer the sore n pain le..

Now I jus tryin hard to improve supply so tat I can store up some ebm.. Jus in case I need it..

Roy is in 2-3 hrs feedin interval ... I try to give him both boobs each time.. But he always fall aslp on one side.. End up the other side now empty.. So I got to express out in order to avoid engorge n maintain supply...

My slpin time had change into many short nap from day to nite le.. Jus hope Roy jaundice can clear fast then he won't need to do any liver testing le...

2010... Target I set for the year..

Sld set come targets for this new year... Esp with my little Roy ... N Shawn .. More hopes to set...

1) hope to pass p3 and complete my acca
2) silm down n get my pre natal weight... By jun2010
3) blow up my Roy with mummy's milk :)
4) breast feed Roy for as long as I can.. Target 1 yr
5) send Shawn to take up extra activities.. Music? Or ???

Lots of new hope for this comin year with Roy n Shawn n ofcos hubby.. Hope we can alway b like now.. Loving hubby Seng.. Work hard with me to build up the home for our two little ones.. Hope my two boy will b healthy n grow up guai guai.. Love each other..

Year 2010 will b another wonderful year for us..

Wat I achieve in 2009

Haven got time to update my blog esp now.. All day busy mooin my baby...

So for 2009 wat did I achieve???

Like nothin much wo...
1) pass my p1 paper in Jun exam
2) settle my Shawn in full time childcare... I wld thk Tats
an achievement for me.. Whaha
3) survive thro the 38wks preg n give an additional member to our family on 31 dec 2009... Baby Roy

is tat all?? Can't recall much wo.. Whole year busy with Shawn.. Lookin after him already take up all my wkend le.. Wat else cam I expect...

Hope the 2010 will b a smooth n peaceful year... Hope by yr end we will get the new flat key.. No hurry to move in.. But jus lookin forward to have our own nest.. Settle my little ones in their own room.. No need to co slp with pil ... Mayb Roy's first bday we get to celebrate in the new flat 

Sunday 3 January 2010

How's kor kor Shawn reaction ???

Come back home with di di Roy on 2 Jan 2010.. reach home ard 1.45pm.. Since Shawn still nappin.. I quickly let bb slp in the room while start to unpack the bags..

When bb start to cry.. I went to the room to bf bb..

Shawn woke up le.. He heard di di cry.. So straight he walk to our room.. He was sleeping in mil room ..

He point at bb n call di di.. He let me bf di di.. Surprisingly :) then he climb onto the bed n come look at di di.. He keep callin bb di di.. N sayang him.. He bit cho lor.. So sometime he can b too rough n touch bb.. He even kiss bb on his face.. Without I askin him to do so

I m touch to c Shawn so loving.. He will on off come into the room n look for di di.. He can talk too loud n got excited n wake bb up.. He will ask me to carry di di.. He ask me to bend down to let him hug n carry di di then refuse to let go.. Hahaha.. He will get di di toys n wana play with him

something I find it very funny.. When Shawn was on the bed lookin at di di latching on me.. Suddenly di di start to cry.. Shawn was shock n start to cry with him.. Tell me he papa..(scare)... He reali cry badly.. Shock me.. Make me laugh lo... Then I sayang shawn clean his tear.. He keep tellin me.. Di di cry.. He par par... Haha.. Next few time.. He still cry with di di.. Now he is better le.. But will still tell me he par par lo.. My cute boy

Hope Shawn will still sayang n love di di.. He is reali my lovely boy.. Thanks Shawn.. Give me worry free :)