Tuesday 26 January 2010


Haven been updating anything in my blog for sometime.. Partly due to busy over Roy. Plus Shawn fallin sick this wk... This make my day more busy lol..

Last sat I kee SIAO after the tiring nite feedin.. I self declare confinement if OVER .. Dun understd y I need to confine myself when I dun have enough rest nor good food.. So jus forget it la.. Pu can alway b done anytime ma.. Y only within tat one mth???

Shawn has need missin sch since mon.. He catch the germs from the sch.. So worry pass on to di di.. Try to separate them now..

Dun understd y sone parent can b so irresponsible to send their kids to sch when they r still coughing n havin runnin nose.. I went to ask the teacher this mornin.. At first she say dun have.. Then I say my mil heard Pareto instructing teacher how to feed medicine leh.. Then she say ya.. Some parent got to work.. Can't look after.. So can't b help.. Tats so unfair rite.. After Shawn recover.. I m goin to bring this up to the lead teacher le..

Roy has been .. Quite guai I sld say .. Day time I feed him le.. He will either go to slp or lying there n play by himself.. His feedin interval at abt 2 hrs now.. Still will fall aslp after latch on one side.. Can c he is Putin on weight le.. So I m glad my mummy milk is working...

Will b celebrating Roy full mth this sat.. Havin mini buffet at home.. Was quite disappointed with some frens.. Not tat I can't accept they not coming... Jus tat I dun expect is from someone I tot is my best pal... Anyway.. I sld know tat I m not tat best pal's best fren after all.. Fren r jus fren lol.. Sometime someone u tot jus fren can b even more sincere.. Learn my lesson...

On monday.. Brought Shawn to gp.. Check on his weigth n height.. @ 22mth 13 days old ... He is 13.7kg and 92 cm tall... Is tat healthy weight?? Got to check out the health book le..

Little Roy wake up soon.. Better go feed Shawn medicine first.. Tats a tough task.. He jus bite me this mornin when I force him to take medicine.. Hai.. Is my bao yin la.. Tats how I treat my mum last time.. Refuse to take medicine ma.. Now I know how she feel.. Sorry mummy 


  1. @ 22 mth 13 days old. he is very tall. My boy, now 39 months old, 14kg, 94cm only.
    Congrats, Roy is full month already. so fast...4 more days nia...

    No point bringing it up to the lead teacher. All cccs are like that. It is only not ok to bring to school if kid is on anti-biotics or fever medication. Otherwise, flu and cough still accepted...That's why my boy is constantly sick...

  2. u are wrong gal..confinement is the time to pu ,cause after confinement how u pu also not the same as u pu during the confinement time already,this is what my daije told me.

  3. i dont like chicken essence ,kiney, i also swallow ar,haha

  4. First confinement I oso take it more seriously but 2nd confinement I more relax Liao.. Dun wana stress myself over all this ma..
