Saturday 9 January 2010

Day 10 since Roy born...

Tdy is day 10 of my confinement ... Mil havin problem preparing my confinement .. She duno wat to cook for mr everyday.. Keep askin me wat I wana eat.. Some days may end up only one vege n one soup .. She is gettin blur .. Mayb Shawn make her too busy ba..

Til Now I still didn silm down much.. How ah.. I start my massage on day 7 til Now I did 3 session le.. Tummy reali firm up a bit.. At least not so big le.. But weight still same leh.. @70kg... Hai..

Roy is still in tbf.. Supply has some in n no problem latch on le.. Nipple oso season le.. No longer the sore n pain le..

Now I jus tryin hard to improve supply so tat I can store up some ebm.. Jus in case I need it..

Roy is in 2-3 hrs feedin interval ... I try to give him both boobs each time.. But he always fall aslp on one side.. End up the other side now empty.. So I got to express out in order to avoid engorge n maintain supply...

My slpin time had change into many short nap from day to nite le.. Jus hope Roy jaundice can clear fast then he won't need to do any liver testing le...


  1. pass her a confinement recipe book?

  2. I try doin tag during my #1 confinement le.. She will nvr follow any de.. I even went library to borrow lo.. No point ah...
