Saturday 9 January 2010

Wat I achieve in 2009

Haven got time to update my blog esp now.. All day busy mooin my baby...

So for 2009 wat did I achieve???

Like nothin much wo...
1) pass my p1 paper in Jun exam
2) settle my Shawn in full time childcare... I wld thk Tats
an achievement for me.. Whaha
3) survive thro the 38wks preg n give an additional member to our family on 31 dec 2009... Baby Roy

is tat all?? Can't recall much wo.. Whole year busy with Shawn.. Lookin after him already take up all my wkend le.. Wat else cam I expect...

Hope the 2010 will b a smooth n peaceful year... Hope by yr end we will get the new flat key.. No hurry to move in.. But jus lookin forward to have our own nest.. Settle my little ones in their own room.. No need to co slp with pil ... Mayb Roy's first bday we get to celebrate in the new flat 

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