Monday 2 July 2007

Actual day 30 June 2007

this is one of the day i will remember forever n ever....

Pris n Lishan come to my home for the nite... we chat chat... play with shan hair..keke... til 2am then we sleep...

Woke up at 4am.. tats very early... ( we oso duno y we wake up so early.. hehe) mum woke up at 4.30... give me the flower... to prepare for my bath... the sisters start to prepare the "breakfast" for the brothers...

MUA arrived at 5.20am... i make myself a coffee.. then start to make up liao...

WaiPeng( my photographer) reach ard 5.30am... she start shooting once she reach... on every detail items.. my shoes.. my corsages..etc...

i m really by 6.30am... n very soon my hubby reach le... my mum cover the veil for me... i didn cry... while my sister.. janice say she was so touch.. wanted to cry le.. hehe

the guys reach le... brothers - jian xiong, hanyi, jian an, gireld & wei bing.... sabo session starts le... (i miss the fun..hehe)

Hubby was asked to sing outside my room.. n read out a vow i prepare for him loudly outside my room... n signed.. kekeke..

then we left the hse... n go to Fernvale...

reach ard 7.50am.. abt wat we expected... thing move according to our schedule...

enter the hse...the room... rest a while... then we went out for photoshoot le... to ECP garden...

a very beautiful place i must say... lots of flowers... surprise tat Wai peng doesn know tat place.. she adviced me to go clerk quary after ECP... but when we reach... she oso thk tat place was too beactiful to miss... so we end up taking lots n lots of pic there n dun go Clerk Quary le...

return to fernvale at 10.30am... i ... rest in the room... then tea ceremony starts... photo shoot shoot shoot.... change to Kua n went back yishun...

reach yishun ard 12noon... rest a while.. the serve tea to the elder...

we tabao food back to OCC to eat... our room 321... check in...with ferlyn n pris n jianxiong...n ofcos my hubby la...

rest there.. chat chat.. take a nap...

left OCC at 5pm... reach grassroot at 5.20pm... so early... but jian an reach b4 us...

saw the venue deco... i was very happy with the simple deco... :)

MUA arrived at 5.30.. start to do for my inlaw.. then my mother.. then for yen teen.. n pris...

while my MUA arrived at 5.40pm... start doin for me... finish my at 6.50pm... i starts to practice walkin in the changin room...

went out to see my guest.. saw so many frens... so hapi...

then i was told... my laptop was spoilt... my brother n girald rush back home to take his laptop... heng his can work...

then... again another bad news... my JP late... he lost his way... OMG... 

he arrived at 7.20pm... then moment i went into the function room... sit down... when we abt to start... "BLACK OUT" ... i was reali shock... (thkin if only this is some kind of surprise from my hubby... hehe)

the brothers rush ard to ask the manager... then we were told... the whole club hse black out... n the technican is repairin... cannot tell how long it takes...

so the brother suggest we put candle on the table.. n carry on... i reali try very hard to hold back my tears lol... luckly... at this moment... the lights come back... but i lost all my smile le.. :(

after the ceremony... i quickly rush back to the changin room to CRY... (i was so proud tat i didn cry tat mornin.. but... now  )

soon the first march in stars le... i was nervous.. duno how to walk with the heavy long gown... ask my hubby to hold with his right hand ... on my left gown... while i hold the rite.... slowly we walk in... smile smile smile.... saw lots of my frens... cake cutting... then eat the cold dish...then sharkfin... n time to change to evening gown le...

with ning n pris help... (haha... they were havin hard time figurin how to tie the back of my gown..keke... Thanks gals.. muacz..)

then second march in... then champine pouring... then yam seng...

then we eat a bit of stuffs... n time to change into kua le... send the guest off...

chat with zhao chun.. weihao..ruirong + gf.. n zhi qiang.. hubby clear the bill...

the restaurant ppl help us to tabao lots of stuffs... then we went back the OCC...

Jianxiong drive my mummy, brother n yeen teen back... while Hanyi drive his parent back.. his father too drunk to drive le...

all the brothers went back OCC... plus pris... they play cards... while i havin hard time removin my makeup n hairdo...

everything ends at 2plus ..i thk... N there come my surprise to my Hubby... kekeke (pris u know la... hahaha)


  1. so touching & fun day, congratz !!!
    OCC room izit given by Grassroot? coz i dun have ler, they said not provide room on wed nite :(

  2. not given de... we book ourself one :)
    u oso held urs at grassroot club yck???

  3. yes claudiagoh,
    my AD on 20th Sept, its cuming soon...

    so far how is their service? mind share wif me? did u also get their red wine or u bought in ?

  4. we buy from them the red wine... cos thk more worth ba... their service quite good... jus tat i sway... kana electicity black out.. dun thk u will b so unluckly as me.. hehe...
    how many tables u gettin?? u usin their projector??? must go down one or two week b4 AD to test k...
    n for food test... just voice out anythin u thk no good de... dun worry or pai say... we actuali commented tat the sharkfin dun taste like sharkfin... not enough sharkfin... haha... n end up.. on our AD... the sharkfin come in pieces ah.. hehe.. everyone can see the fin de... ppl commented... our food taste better then those in shangrila wo... haha

  5. i also thk buy from them more worth lor, just i haven try so worry their red wine taste. haha u kana elec blackout maybe its just God make u a surprise bah...
    i haven confirm the table but is min 25 de so raphly ard there lar, i 've ask & book the projector, oh must go down & try wow so i've to bring my laptop & the montage cd?
    for test food, thk ll let my in law voice out bah they more fussy than me heehehee

  6. anyway, thank you so much !!!!

  7. ya.. u better go down to test... if can ah... have a stand by laptop..even better.. my laptop cant work on tat day... duno y... all the while it works fine lol...

  8. it our 2nd Anniversary tdy... To hubby: Loves u forever..*MuacZ*.. Thanks for everything for the pass two years... u have been a very good hubby to me.. ThaNKS!!!
