Wednesday 2 January 2008

The First Leg cramp I experience LAST NITE!!!

Ppl keep askin me.. how I m doin?? M I suffering during my pregnancy? I will ans them … “ I m doin fine.. bb very guai.. didn give me much trouble.. only slight backache during sleep at nite ba…”


Last nite.. I got it le.. the “CRAMP” … I do encounter small toe cramp while I was shopping last few wks.. but is nvr like last nite…


I shouted for help… (Hahaha!!) thk I scare off my hubby.. who was deeply sleepin beside me.. he jumps out of bed immediately n start massagin my leg.. but tat was the WRONG leg la.. its my rite leg kana cramp la.. not left.. (blur hubby)


He was gently massagin my leg.. while I was in pain with tear le.. soon it over… he move back to sleep.. telling me… “ u reali scare me off ah…Zzzzzz” there he start his snoring again le.. ZZZzzzzzz


  1. o dear... ya... after the cramp the msucle will be super tight hor. for mi.. i dunno y will subconsciously have a need to stretch my legs in the middle of the night. then will wake up to the CRAMP. super pain, so painful tat i cant even scream!! hubby tells mi when it happens, try to stretch the other way. so the cramp will be shorter and slightly less painful and muscle wont be that tight compared to when i wait for the cramp to go off by itself.
    maybe will be helpful just in case... :)

  2. ya.. i cannot walk properly tdy.. leg mascule so tight.. n pain to walk lol... luckly hubby ard to push my foot.. else with my big tummy.. i cant even touch my foot la..

  3. haiz, me last nite oso had leg cramps... had it few times but each time was mild and on on leg... last nite was both legs and super painful... likewise wif jaslyn... me oso subconsciously stretch my legs and then kena the cramp. Shucks... LOL! Think its a very common symptom for us preggies wor!
