Tuesday 29 January 2008

From JL expo Sale

This round.. i m very guai le.. only spend $80+ at the sales.. got baby two set of clothing, a thermometer n shoe for myself...

11TH Gynae visit

Start:     Feb 19, '08
will this b my last visit??? i sld b @36wk by then le...

Prince = 2.354KG @ 33wks… & mummy = 67kg NOW!!! *faint*

Went to the gynae yty evening after work. I was reali looking forward to c my prince for the whole day but after I receive a call from my mum, my mood change. Heard from her the bad news, something I reali dun like to know. I m so tired of all those nonsense my brother has done. Feel like givin up on him le.


Back to my visit yty. Hubby helps me to register before I arrive at the clinic hence I get to c the doctor the moment I reach the clinic. No need to wait at all.


As usual, Dr ask abt how I m feeling these days. I told him abt my aching lower back n the pain at my lower tummy. He says tats very normal at my current stage. So no need to worry.


Do the usual scan. So happy to c baby on the screen with big tummy, head at my lower tummy, his butt at my rite upper tummy. No wonder I always feel some kick on my left side. Dr say everythin is ok. Baby doin fine. Weight average. Size average. So glad to hear tat. And finally we have decided to go Mount A. Clinic will do the booking for us.


Went to draw some cash to get ready our Ang Bao for CNY. This is our first year givin Ang Bao. So lots of issue we are not sure abt. Eg. Do we need to give ang bao to his not marry ah yi? Do we give ang bao after reunion dinner or only first day of cny?? Both our family has different practice. Hence we end up havin some argument. Sian!!


Tuesday 22 January 2008

M I at fault??

Is it that I take thing too hard?? I too petty?? My fault?? I sldnt anyhow throw temper??


This is wat happen last nite:


We (Hubby n me) reach home as usual after dinner at Compasspoint. Hubby prepare his clothing to wear to an exam today. He took out a shirt n a matching pant. I told him the shirt need ironing. He cant jus wear tat like tat.


So he bring the shirt and was standing at infront of our bedroom, telling me he wana ask his mum to iron for him. I hint him not to. Told him he sld do it himself. So he went to inlaw bedroom to do the ironing. After a while he come back n tell me cannot make it… n straight he call for his mum to help le…


His move reali upset me. I wonder m I too sensitive. I was thinking how his mum will think . as being a wife.. I cant even iron his clothing? Still need her to do it? I feel tat his move reali make me feel ashame of myself. Not tat I duno how to iron.. is tat I wasn’t  being ask to help in the first move lol.  I understand this is a very small matters. But when I think of many other stuffs which make me reali upset …



-         MIL only talk abt family related matter to my hubby when I not ard.. (bathing, or I must go to my bedroom…)

-         MIL complain at her work place. Said even her son is marry le.. she still need to worry n take care of him. (My mum work at the same place at her)


I sms him to tell him how I feel n I go to bed very early last nite. Feelin so sick of everything.. jus wana to sleep n make myself feel better. Ignore my hubby.. Cold war.. He oso jus left me alone..


Today I ask him y he didn even bother to tok to me last nite.. he reply “ I know u siao ma.. so didn bother lol…”


Is it?? I am over meh?? Still feelin so moody tdy.. sian!!

Monday 21 January 2008

Saturday 19 January 2008

20 Jan 2008 ... Miss my hubby!!

20 days into year 2008 le.. i m left with 59day b4 my prince is born..(or mayb earlier).. how i feel?? excited, worry.. etc etc lots of mix feeling..

my boss was chating with me tat day abt 'how do i feel now?? must b excited to c baby soon..." but i reply him.. "not reali excited.. more of wories" i was reali scare off by the video i watch on the labour process.. jus duno y.. the pain??  but my boss was trying to tell me how he feel when he saw his two child born.. which was almost 30yrs ago.. tellin me not to worry.. when time come everything will jus go naturally... n he ask me abt packing my hospital bag... Opps!!! then i know... i m a bit slow.. i sld have pack it on stand by...

so i plan to do it tdy.. since hubby workin OT tdy.. so i m again lonely at home.. bored...

Plan to:

- pack my hospital bag

- wash my cny clothing

- tidy up my bedroom

- sort out all the stuff i have bought for my prince..


Thursday 17 January 2008

Diapers.com.sg Pte Ltd


Some stuffs i bought

Got this @ AMK Hub..

Once again... Second Attack..#@$%^&*

Last nite at 3am+... *AGAIN*!!! i kana second time... LEG CRAMP AHHHHH!!!!!

i wasnt stretching my legs... jus tat i wana turn my HEAVY body to my side.. then my rite leg jus cramp up.. @#$%^&....

i suffer the pain.. but my hubby suffer the fright... hahaha.. cos my reaction was reali too BIG ba.. kekeke.. i push him once..no reaction.. so i jus pull his hand hard.. til his whole body move towards me... ( dun ask how i do it.. he is not 'light' de lol)... he jump up straight away...

start off massaging my rite leg.. can hear him mumbling... "sayang..sayang... over soon.. ok ok... relax relax...  ....  " he jus keep goin on n on... wonder is he awake... hahaha

pity my hubby... i deserve the pain.. cos i pregnant ma... but he leh... guess he cant go back to deep sleep after tat cos i nvr hear his lullaby after this le... (kekeke..his snoring lol)


Tuesday 8 January 2008

10th Gynae visit

Start:     Jan 29, '08 6:15p
By then baby will b 33wks le.. i m gettin close to my finishing line le.. nervous wo

Gynae visit @ wk 30

i met my prince today.. so hapi n glad everythin is fine...

baby weight = 1649g

mummy weight = 65.5kg (sad.. gain 12kg le.. hai)

baby head down le.. placenta position ok...

i was discussin with gynae abt which hospital to go to.. at first hubby n i tot of goin MountA... but dr point out some issue for us to takin into consideration..

1) the parkin there is no longer like b4.. now on valet oso le.. parkin is jus ask bad at TMC

2) the hospital is too crowded.. so at time.. mummy n baby might is place at different level.. so if mummy wana visit baby.. might need to move to another level to c

3) the hospital handle not only baby delivery.. they have other kind of patients ard.. so some mtb might not wan to b mix ard with patients who r sick... (as givin birth isnt 'sick')

after hearing wat he said.. hubby n i start to think... sld we change our mind... hubby say i can decide.. since i m the one givin birth n usin the facilities... when he only use the carpark... hahaha

guess we reali need to discuss again... since we only need to let the gynae know our discussion on next visit.. which is 3 wks time... (29 Jan) count down to tat day...

Friday 4 January 2008

At last we found it...

After search many places for a suitable playpen / cot / yao lan small enough to place inside my room... we got it tdy... it might not b able to sleep my bb for long.. but at least for the first few mth ba... we were so glad to get this cheap n nice... wat sld i call this ah???

the top view..

this is where we r puting it...tentatively tats where we thk suitable lol

this is how it looks when zip up...

i intend to get my mummy to make a simple mattress to place in it.. since the one which come with the 'bed' is very thin.. hope to make it more comfortable for our coming prince..

Thursday 3 January 2008

Christmas Count Down

This is where we had our last dual christmas count down... Next yr onward it will b 3 of us celebrating together le...

Baby cot

Deliver to us on 29 Dec 2007, but come with wrong color fittin sheet n end up we need to go down Baby avenue to change. Since tats additional free gift, so we got no choice but to make the extra trip down lol...

Wednesday 2 January 2008

The First Leg cramp I experience LAST NITE!!!

Ppl keep askin me.. how I m doin?? M I suffering during my pregnancy? I will ans them … “ I m doin fine.. bb very guai.. didn give me much trouble.. only slight backache during sleep at nite ba…”


Last nite.. I got it le.. the “CRAMP” … I do encounter small toe cramp while I was shopping last few wks.. but is nvr like last nite…


I shouted for help… (Hahaha!!) thk I scare off my hubby.. who was deeply sleepin beside me.. he jumps out of bed immediately n start massagin my leg.. but tat was the WRONG leg la.. its my rite leg kana cramp la.. not left.. (blur hubby)


He was gently massagin my leg.. while I was in pain with tear le.. soon it over… he move back to sleep.. telling me… “ u reali scare me off ah…Zzzzzz” there he start his snoring again le.. ZZZzzzzzz