Tuesday 22 January 2008

M I at fault??

Is it that I take thing too hard?? I too petty?? My fault?? I sldnt anyhow throw temper??


This is wat happen last nite:


We (Hubby n me) reach home as usual after dinner at Compasspoint. Hubby prepare his clothing to wear to an exam today. He took out a shirt n a matching pant. I told him the shirt need ironing. He cant jus wear tat like tat.


So he bring the shirt and was standing at infront of our bedroom, telling me he wana ask his mum to iron for him. I hint him not to. Told him he sld do it himself. So he went to inlaw bedroom to do the ironing. After a while he come back n tell me cannot make it… n straight he call for his mum to help le…


His move reali upset me. I wonder m I too sensitive. I was thinking how his mum will think . as being a wife.. I cant even iron his clothing? Still need her to do it? I feel tat his move reali make me feel ashame of myself. Not tat I duno how to iron.. is tat I wasn’t  being ask to help in the first move lol.  I understand this is a very small matters. But when I think of many other stuffs which make me reali upset …



-         MIL only talk abt family related matter to my hubby when I not ard.. (bathing, or I must go to my bedroom…)

-         MIL complain at her work place. Said even her son is marry le.. she still need to worry n take care of him. (My mum work at the same place at her)


I sms him to tell him how I feel n I go to bed very early last nite. Feelin so sick of everything.. jus wana to sleep n make myself feel better. Ignore my hubby.. Cold war.. He oso jus left me alone..


Today I ask him y he didn even bother to tok to me last nite.. he reply “ I know u siao ma.. so didn bother lol…”


Is it?? I am over meh?? Still feelin so moody tdy.. sian!!


  1. hi shupei, it's normal lar. cos nw u preg mah. no worries. ur hubby didn ask for ur help in the 1st plc cos he really care for u. he knows u preg, tats y dare not ask u do things for him (shd feel glad). so he tried doing it himslef. men tends to be more sui pian, n he knows he cant do it well, yet do not want to bother u, tat s y he ask his mum to help. so u shd b glad that he really care for u.
    as for ur inlaw complaining, just ignore her, elderly tends to nag n complains alot. cos nowadays, elderly always has got the concept tat when son gets married, wife is their priorty. anyway u staying with her so give her more time to adapt it. Ur hub dun want to talk to u as he also understand that preg lady tend to flare up uncessary (he's very understanding already oh)...
    Cheers up.. dun let this small issue affect ur mood. :) Stay hapi...

  2. thks gal...
    mayb is reali due to preg.. hormone change.. temper all change ba..
    hope is me who thk too much... i know hubby loves me.. jus tat i wan him to stand in my shoe to look at things ma..

  3. no worri too much. ur hubby love u alot . thats y his mind is only to take gd care of you. and he didn put himself @ ur shoes.

  4. heloo, i think its normal for pregnant woman to feel this way. I was having that kind of mood swings too when i was preggy. This is absolutely normal as long as it doesn't affect you health.

    I hope you will feel better as time passes by! Just think of the joy once the baby arrives.

    Till then take care and have a lot of rest all rite!



  5. Common for mummies to have mood swing...dun think too much,.
    You have just started off together....still have a long way to go.
    Your little prince is gonna be born soon, that's where both your spirit combine and gathers.
    Both care of each other, but difficult to show it always.
    Man not good at expressing, sometimes even make things worse though not done on purpose.
    Look on the bring side , dun take trivial matters to heart.
    When living together, experience tells me: "Xiang Jian Hao, Tong Zhu Nan" Mum-in-law tend to be more particular...so just laugh along and learn. They prefer daughter-in-law to say they dun know & put themselves down to learn then to argue & say "I know ".
    Sometimes they are nice teachers to go along...


  6. so coincidental both ur mums work at the same place..

    btw, preggies should not be doing hh chores leh, just rest well :)

  7. Thks ladies... i understand abt being preg.. tat y my mood change... Hope i dun behave like this again... silly me.. hehe

  8. u shd tell ur hubby, i m more siao. i even ask my hubby why he can talk so happily with his female staff over the phone, but talk to me like very xin ku. hahah... i even more bo liao ...he even admit he never listen to me at times... faintz leh ..
