Tuesday 29 January 2008

Prince = 2.354KG @ 33wks… & mummy = 67kg NOW!!! *faint*

Went to the gynae yty evening after work. I was reali looking forward to c my prince for the whole day but after I receive a call from my mum, my mood change. Heard from her the bad news, something I reali dun like to know. I m so tired of all those nonsense my brother has done. Feel like givin up on him le.


Back to my visit yty. Hubby helps me to register before I arrive at the clinic hence I get to c the doctor the moment I reach the clinic. No need to wait at all.


As usual, Dr ask abt how I m feeling these days. I told him abt my aching lower back n the pain at my lower tummy. He says tats very normal at my current stage. So no need to worry.


Do the usual scan. So happy to c baby on the screen with big tummy, head at my lower tummy, his butt at my rite upper tummy. No wonder I always feel some kick on my left side. Dr say everythin is ok. Baby doin fine. Weight average. Size average. So glad to hear tat. And finally we have decided to go Mount A. Clinic will do the booking for us.


Went to draw some cash to get ready our Ang Bao for CNY. This is our first year givin Ang Bao. So lots of issue we are not sure abt. Eg. Do we need to give ang bao to his not marry ah yi? Do we give ang bao after reunion dinner or only first day of cny?? Both our family has different practice. Hence we end up havin some argument. Sian!!



  1. hehe, 1st time like tat one..no worries :) i went thru it myself..

    btw, u r how tall ?

  2. i mean 1st time giving hongbaos is like tat..oh yah, to share..

    my 1st reunion dinner in 2006 with married hubby i oso forget where we eat..i think at my in laws..jialat, i m getting SENILE

    if i m meeting ur in laws on cny eve, we give them the hongbaos 1st

    but last year, my mil in hosp ..so we did reunion at my parents' hse..cny eve din get to see in laws, so give on cny lor :)

    my parents we gave on cny day 1..

  3. i m 160cm tall lol...

    end up we decided... he settle his side.. while i settle my side de... dun bother who n when we each give our side lol... settle!!!... kekeke
