Friday 4 January 2008

At last we found it...

After search many places for a suitable playpen / cot / yao lan small enough to place inside my room... we got it tdy... it might not b able to sleep my bb for long.. but at least for the first few mth ba... we were so glad to get this cheap n nice... wat sld i call this ah???

the top view..

this is where we r puting it...tentatively tats where we thk suitable lol

this is how it looks when zip up...

i intend to get my mummy to make a simple mattress to place in it.. since the one which come with the 'bed' is very thin.. hope to make it more comfortable for our coming prince..


  1. is this a moses basket?? or rather a crib?? is it place in ur room??

  2. i duno wat u sld call this leh.. hehe.. i place this in my room lol.. cos my room reali too small for even a playpen lol... :)
