Monday 15 September 2008

15 Sept 2008.. someone Hit my 'butt'

Weather was bad early in the morning.. put on rain coat n off to work..

CTE was as jam as b4.. then theres this donkey infront of me.. sld say two bike infront.. block our way.. he was riding VERY slowly.. n yet dun let ppl over take him.. then suddenly.. when he reach rite beside a MPV n taxi.. then he jam brake.. tot he cant go thro.. donkey stop suddenly.. so the bike behind oso E brake.. follow by me brakeeeee... then another donkey behind me 'kiss' my butt le.. N guess wat... I DIDNT stop to check.. i jus carry on my ride... i tot nothin ba.. since i see tat guy behind is fine.. he must b relieve to see tat i didn stop to take down his particular..

But i do note down his plate no. FBC8848D... (haha..brand new bike wo.. while my is FBA liao.. he must b very heart pain ah.. whahaha)

Check out my bike when i reach my ofc.. heng on kana a bit at the exhaust pipe...