Wednesday 3 September 2008

Will u get hats/caps for ur baby/kids?

Will you let ur baby/kids put on hats when goin out?

Yes. Whenever going out

Yes. If goin under sun only

Yes. To match outfit only

No. Too hot for Spore weather

No. Never

Mayb. Cant find nice hats in Spore.

Jus like to find out how many of u parents out there will let ur kids put on hats.  


  1. Only in the morning when send him to coursin's hse.

  2. it sure look cute on babies to be putting on their hats ... but mine totally doesnt want to since day one ...
    he get irritated if something covers his head or hair ...
    even up till tdy, no-no for him

  3. hahah i will like to cover matt's head coz he is a botak head
