Monday 15 September 2008

Shawn’s first hair cut

On sat 13 Sept 2008, intend to bring Shawn to his second swim early in the morning. but before we woke up, it started raining at 7.30am. Hubby wake up to close the window and Shawn woke up by the noise.  Latch Shawn on for him ‘breakfast’. Then mil bath Shawn n make him to sleep again while hubby n I went AMK for breakfast and do some banking stuffs.

Went back home n getting ready stuff to bring Shawn out. Went to fetch my mother then went to Chong Pang to had Shawn hair cut together with Hubby. Shawn was so guai. No cry at all. He jus sit quietly on my lap. Next to his daddy, while the hairdresser jus slowly shave his side n back.

Went back home to drop my mum. Then we went to Yishun swimming pool for Shawn to swim. He cries again when he enters the water. Guess the water must b too cold for him. But after a while he got use to it n he started to enjoy it. Sucking his thumb n lying back on his float while his daddy push him ard the pool.

As usual, I jus stand by the pool with him robe n towel. Prepare to catch him when he finishes his swim. Wrap him up n went back home to bath him.

My mum bought Shawn a walker to keep him busy at her place. He loves the walker. N all the new toys my mum n brother bought for him. Especially the teethe fish.

We forgot to get Shawn a lantern. So tot maybe we can go get it on Sunday b4 bring him out for a walk. Again, it starts raining when hubby got back from work. No where to go le. Enjoy my Sunday playing with Shawn at home. 


More pic to share:











New hair

boy :)