Monday 15 September 2008

Shawn taking his porridge on 14 Sept 2008

Put him on the high chair n give him porridge with vege last sun. He only take few spoon n start making noise liao... Mil keep tellin shawn ' 你要学啊'.. keep tellin me..we cant rush.. slowly.. hahaha. but she is the one feeding.. while i video taking le.. kekeke.. she scare i worry ba..


  1. so cute.. heheh shawn is 6 mths already??

  2. ya.. he is 6mth old le.. last fri 满6mth liao.. :)

  3. hmm .. my boy todae 满 5 mth.. ehhehe.. but he already show signs tat he wanna eat semi solid liaoz.. since 4 mthz..

  4. wah... so cute. Matthew also got the Wyeth bib. good hor.. so big haha~

  5. I check with my PD when shawn was 5mth 1wk old.she say can start rice cereal.. then i start de.. mayb u can ask ur PD on next visit oso.. see if can start le.. :)

  6. hehe.. i did buy him few bib.. but mil prefer use this *faint* ... waste $$ liao lol.. kekeke

  7. i dun visit PD wor as all my vaccinations are thru polyclinic... but i ever brought him to c pd when he was sick... so how??? ask polyclinic nurse ah?

  8. danadele: i think if u 'feel' that your boy is ready, you can let him try small amt. i fed matthew prune (for his constipation) since i think 3rd / 4th month. can let him try puree / v thin cereal 1st. hee how he fare 1st. for me, i also didnot check with PD / nurse. just start him off with rice cereal @ 5 months - slowly increasing from 1 teaspoon cereal + Fm to 2 table spoon.

  9. i thk not a must to consult PD .. but i kaisi mummy ma.. n since i visitin PD for Shawn 3rd might as well ask lol..
