Thursday 11 September 2008


To others mayb 6mth old is nothing.. cos long way to come.. but to me.. Tats something i reali wana celebrate de..

Sing shawn a bday song this morning ..(Silly mummy rite ..keke) kiss him.. ask daddy to kiss him too... Promise to buy him a small cake tonite.. but i will b goin lesson tonite.. so will only return home by 10.30pm.. Will get him a lantern as well.. His first lantern fest this sunday.. wana bring him go walk walk.. with his first lantern.. haven decide where to go..

time reali flies.. now shawn sld b at least 70cm tall le.. weight sld hit 9kg liao.. still rmb he was only 3.24kg at birth.. glad tat my breastmilk had reali let my darling grow well...

many ppl ask me when i wana stop BF.. i reali duno.. n i loves the bonding everythin i latch him on ... the way he look at me while drinkin.. the way he move his hand to search fro mummy face.. (haha.. ) all this reali make me dun wana give up.. i cant convinces myself tat my boy is growin up fast.. soon he will dun need my bm n movin on to other solid food le.. he wont rely on me as his 'milk bottle' any more... i will reali miss all this...

To Shawn: Daddy & mummy are so happy to see u grow so much.. Your smile to welcome us home every evening makes us thk tat all our hardwork outside are worth it. Nothing can compare to your simple smile  ... We Love you shawn.. We might not have all our time for you.. but will surely give u all the time we can give.. U are our darling.. Hope you will carry on grow up 键康,勇敢,乖乖听话, 孝顺,有礼貌 etc etc..

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