Sunday 7 September 2008

Shawn had his 1st swim last sat. 6 Sept 2008

I was so anxious to bring my prince to his first swim all the while. Bought him a neck float long ago. Finally he has taken his 3rd and last 6in1 jab on 23 Aug. And since the 7th mth had passed. So I brought him for his first swim last sat. 6 Sep2008

We decide to bring him to my work place private pool. Cos I need to come back to bring back the mooncake and to meet the insurance agent.

We reach here at 10.45am. Meeting the agent at 11-1130am. Hence decided to go to the pool after tat. Bring Shawn to hotspot.. We ate our breakfast cum lunch.. While guai Shawn sit in his stroller n play …

Went back office at 11.45am.. Chat with the agent til 12.15pm.. Finally hubby bought his life term insurance. Due to his loading, we need to revise our budget n ask for another propose policy. Hence wait til now then get his.

Sign in at 12.30pm at the pool. Change Shawn by the pool while hubby went to get himself change. Tot of getting myself change after settle Shawn into the pool with hubby.. But didn expect Shawn reaction was so big.. Guess the water too cold ba.. I let him sit by the side of the pool first.. then slowly pass him to hubby… he starts to cry le.. badly..  I feel so bad.. reali almost goin to give up n get him out of water.. luckly hubby very steady.. keep on carry him ard the pool.. make him calm down etc..

After 10min… I put him on his robe.. then let him sit by the side of the pool to see daddy swimming inside the Jacuzzi pool.. (No child pool in the apt area)… then we try bring him into the water again.. this time.. he is better le.. at least not cryin anymore.. but without any smile lol.. worry tat he will catch a cold.. so I let him play another 10min only..

I bring him to bath.. Luckly got heater.. so water no cold.. he was ok goin under the shower.. he was smiling n laughin when the water hit him.. he even face the water n then the water ran on his face.. n got himself choke..(hahah!!!) cos Shawn still cant stand.. I reali got a hard time bathing him… got to carry him up n down to get the stuff to bath him.. n one hand must hold on to him.. WOWOW.. end up I m all wet… n I didn bring extra clothin wo.. (so ‘clever’ mummy rite)

Catch him out to the pool side to dress him up.. no where to lay him down to dress up in the toilet.. he fall aslp straight away after dress up.. cos he miss his morning sleep.. must b sooo tired le..

Left my ofc building at 2.15pm.. guess wat.. how much was the parking.. shock us ah.. cos I ride to work.. complementary parking.. hence I duno parking is so X … Parking cost $8.15 ah.. *faint*

1 comment:

  1. Rider too? wow $8 plus... reminds me of Orchard parking!
