Tuesday 29 September 2009

Shawn at Fidget turf club.. 26Sep2008

A day at fidget Turf club

I decided on Fidget.. so bring him there on sat.. cos mum knock off at 2pm.. much go fatch her first.. then we went turf club.. hubby wasnt very excited to bring him there.. worry tat he will refuse to leave tat place..

shawn was very 'cool'.. didn reali rush into play in the beginning.. only start to ran abt at later stage.. he even went to hug other parents.. nvr afraid to lost us.. but he dun like to play inside the pool of balls.. he rather b the ball picker.. whaha.. pick up ball n throw into the pool.. he prefer to kick the ball ard..

This is the first children day since shawn can walk.. :) hope he will love wat i arrange for him :) will get him a cake this thur.. heee..

Tuesday 22 September 2009

ECP on 21Sep 2009

Some pic we took at bedok jetty...

Some free website to share :)

Come across these info from a thread...
Last checked in May that all websites are still valid. Please update me if any of them are no longer valid.

Website are categorised to the best I can.

Have fun with your juniors =)






























































































kids activities
























Exam Papers:



Mon 21Sep2009 - Public holiday

Brought shawn for early swim.. reach pool at 9.30am.. water was so cold.. n wat surprise us most is.. shawn reject swimmin le.. *faint* he cry so badly.. keep yellin for me to bao bao.. refuse to go into water with daddy..

when reach home.. i bath him.. ask him who cry at the pool.. he say "pa pa".. (OMG!!) he was kickin n smashin water in his bathin tub... hai.. how come ah??? y he suddenly scare of swimmin le.. mayb i stop bring him to pool for too long ah..since jun til now...

Hubby n i had our bf at AMK.. kuay zai again.. then we went do some marketing ..

reach home.. shawn wake up le.. only slept for 30 min ... i play with him.. til abt 3pm.. i make him his milk.. while prepare to go out walk walk..

hubby decided to go ECP bedok jetty .. shawn slept in the car.. then when reach.. he wake up as we move him into the stroller..

he sat in the stroller all the way.. we had a nice stroll :) will upload some pic when i m free..

Sun.. 20 Sep 2009 - Hubby went back work OT

Tdy hubby went back to work ot.. he left home very early.. but he still make it to tabao bf for me first b4 goin to work.. (Love u hubby)

Shawn woke up at 8am.. decided to cut off his morning nap.. let him slp only afternn.. so was busy entertaining him.. he loves to watch barney now.. is a must watch everyday le..

hubby decided to come back at 1.30.. while shawn was sleepin le..

i oso manage to catch me nap with hubby.. til 4pm.. then we went back yishun to have dinner.. my mum cook curry chicken n peanut soup for us.. yummy..

shawn had his porridge plus the peanut soup.. he was having fun playin with wai po..

left at 8pm.. shawn only slept at 10pm.. but since only took one nap.. he manage to fall aslp after i carry n yao him a bit lol.. i felt.. i m so wei da.. backache.. still must carry a 12.5kg monkey to sleep.. must beat his butt le..


19Sep2009 Sat - Went IMM

tot wana bring shawn to swim tdy.. but weather wasnt very good.. so cancel plan

Morning.. hubby bring me to old airport rd for breakfast.. had the lor mee.. so so only la.. then went Gionano warehse sale.. at singapore warehse..

spend $40 n bought 4tshirt n 2 poloT for shawn.. nothing much for adult..

went back home.. n fatch my mum..together we went IMM to shopping.. went daiso to get plastic continer to put shawn stuffs.. but marker for shawn to do drawing..

went giant shoppin.. then we had dinner at the food court.. shawn had fish soup with rice,,share with me ah..



18 Sep 2009 - gyna visit

long wait tdy at the clinic.. upon i reach at 6.30pm.. hubby had register for me.. n was told must wait for 1hr.. so we went dinner first..

come back after dinner.. i was told i have 9 more ppl infront of me..

i was grumbling.. got angry n refuse to talk to hubby.. jus stand outside the clinic n wait.. despite hubby keep askin me to go find a place to sit down.. i m jus so childish.. (hehe)

i decide to go for my urine test first.. stupid toliet at ground floor close for wash.. i got to go to sec floor find toliet.. hubby jus come out from gents..was following behind me.. keep asking me where m i goin.. i reply him.. (rudely) .. "Find toliet la.. " he was like follow me behind dummly.. i m so bad.. :P

when i got back clinic.. still got to wait.. sat at the interchg to wait.. many couple sitin there waitin.. then hubby remind me.. we r not the only couple wait mah.. i start to calm down le.. laughin at myself.. crazy me..

got a call from clinic at 8.10pm.. went in to do scan.. was told me detail scan result everything fine.. (tat brings all me smile back le..) did my ultrascan.. bb growing fine in me.. now at 24wks.. he is 770g le.. so happy he is in good weight..

plan to bring shawn to go c getai.. but end up only reach home at 9pm.. by the time we bath.. cant bring him out le.. since is last day of seventh mth.. my mum told me not to go home too late.esp with shawn.. so cancel lol..

these few nite.. i was having hard time to make shawn to sleep.. even with him bottle of milk.. he jus refuse to lay down to drink.. keep standing up n cry to go out of the room.. duno wana look for nai nai.. or wan wat la.. make use so angry..

Friday 18 September 2009

Some pic of shawn

12 Sep 2009 siting in the car..while waitin for daddy to wash his car..

i notice i didn take many of shawn pic le.. must start snapin le wo.. :)

Sunday 13 September 2009

Sun 13 Sep 2009

My mum off day tdy.. she goin Hougang to do her marketing n meeting her old fren to chat..

i woke up at 6am.. give shawn his milk ... tot if he dun go back to slp.. we shall go find my mum.. but shawn fall back to slp wo.. haha.. so i ask dear to wake up n get ready.. bath n change.. by 7.30am.. we r ready.. but piggy shawn still sleeping.. dear suggest..disturb him..wake him up.. since he is alway the one who disturb our slp.. is our turn now.. kekeke

i slowly change his diaper.. change him.. til he is wide awake le.. bring him to brush his teeths.. n get ready to leave home at 8am..

meet my mum at the coffeeshop.. shawn had his brownrice cereal.. while i have my wan tan mee... chat with my mum fren.. they reminded me.. last time i say i get marry..but dun wan give birth de wo.. now rushin for train liao ah.. goin for 2nd one le.. Oh ya true hor.. i use to reject to have own kids de.. how come now i rushing to have 2nd one.. i told them..cos i now young le ma.. scare wait later i wan.. oso cant have le.. mayb shawn had change my mindset ba.. after all..bbs are so cute de.. hee

when back to yishun with my mum.. she cook prawn noodle for us.. stay at her place for whole day.. shawn took his nap at 11.30 - 12.15pm and 5.13pm - 7pm.. i get to catch a nap in between..

left my mum place at 8.30pm.. shawn was still so energetic when reach home.. still pull me ard to help him to take this n tat...

i decided to try him ...slp on the matress on the floor.. he drink him milk n lying there guai guai de.. but once he finish.. he stand up.. put his head on the bed..near to me.. jus stand there lyin near to me to slp wo.. so sad to c him like tat... so i carry him up onto the bed.. n hug him to slp.. he fall aslp very soon..

Sometime i wonder did i make a wrong decision to have 2nd bb so soon... i dun wan neglect shawn.. but there r limit to wat i can now.. i cant carry him for long.. i feel my tummy stretch n pain.. i cant ran after him now... i reali reali wana sleep with him..even til 2nd is born.. but can i?? how m i goin to latch my 2nd when times come... will i b too stress then..

mil suggest let shawn go to their room... but....

12 Sep 2009 - Shawn is 18mth old tdy.. 12.5KG & 83cm tall..

tdy shawn went for his 18mth review n booster jab.. waited at home for the clinic to call.. appointment was actually at 12.30pm.. but clinic only call at 12.20pm.. when shawn was taking his porridge at home.. so we faster finish the porridge n go down to the clinic.. jus outside the clinic.. i receive another call.. askin whether m i goin n there are 4 more bb infront of shawn.. we were quite surprise.. cos i was told 5 more bb b4 shawn when i receive the call at home.. now how come still got 4 more...

we register at 1.15pm.. waited til almost 2.15pm then shawn was call in.. brave shawn.. no cry at all.. he jus sit on the bed.. while i check with the PD.. his nose got bit bleeding at time.. Dr Lillian say is normal for sensitive nose.. then i ask abt any food to avoid for him.. was told only raw food.. the rest all can eat le.. even some seasoning oso no problem..

Dr Lillian oso reminded me to tell Dr Adrian abt my GBstrep positive.. jus in case he forgot abt it.. haha.. tat suddenly remind me.. i m close to the finishin line le.. less then 15wks to full term bb :)

plan to meet celia n linda at 2.45pm at central BK.. but end up Ada still sleepin.. while i rush home to get shawn milk.. so sms celia to meet at the school instead...

Reach Central at 3.10pm.. happen to c celia at the carpark.. lucky we have her to bring us to the school.. which was at the office tower...

Stage and such.. is in an office unit only.. nothing fantastic.. shawn did some drawing with icecube n food colouring.. do bit singing.. (song created by the school.. which not very impressive).. got storytelling.. but shawn more interested with the toys on the mini stage.. got a part when mummy n kid face mirror to make facial expression.. shawn is more interested to make fren with the kid next to us.. he went to hug the bb ger.. haha!!

for the whole session.. shawn was busy moving here n there.. only pause for a while during the storytellin when teacher tell him to open this n tat on the book.. he even went to the back of a daddy n his son.. put his hand ard their shoulder n stand behind their.. reali shock hubby n i.. make use laugh all the way..

then they brought us to c the swim pool n tell us abt their package.. i was very sure.. wont sign up with them.. hahaha.. but jus follow n look ard ...

After tat.. we left together with celia to our cars... we meet up with my mum n brother n yt at long hse for dinner.. order a fish porridge for shawn.. but he keep reject every mouth.. make me so frustrating.. when i try the porridge myself.. then i notice y.. cos is shen yu zhou.. got some much mini bones in the porridge.. no wonder he dun like it... i m jus too careless...

end up he only eat some rice from my mum.. n some noodles from my yong tao fu.. plus a bottle of 180ml milk lol..

went Amk hub to shop.. NTUC was so crowded.. mad hse there.. saw a fishing program playin .. end up hubby n i struck there watching.. while my mum bring shawn to no where... hahaha.. b4 i knew it.. i lost my bb.. kekeke.. go ard to look for my mum n shawn.. lucky.. hubby more sharp.. n notice mum at the bedding ard.. chatin with yt's mum..

left for home at 8.30pm.. shawn was so tired by then.. he refuse to sit on the carseat... i carry n hug him to sleep.. b4 the car left the carpark.. he is aslp liao... all the way til we reach home.. he slpt on the bed.. i bring in some warm water to wipe him clean.. change him into pajama.. when i remove his romper.. he still wake up then.. went out to greet ye ye n nai nai..

went back to bed only at 10pm..

Now he know must greet pa pa, ma ma, ye ye, nai nai, wai po, jiu jiu & yi yi when he c them.. he know must say Thank you.. please... he understand our ques n will ans us by moving his head ... he will pull my hand when he pull me to get wat he wan... he will ask me to help him to take out the battery in the remote ctrl n use it to put into his toy fan.. he is very observen now.. alway imitate wat we do.. he even can imitate my mil .. say lai lai lai... cos she always ask him to come to her..

To Shawn: you have bring us so much laugther n joy.. we reali love u more every day.. esp me.. start to feel sorry not being able to carry u as often now.. cos of bb di di.. but when i c he pull up my shirt n kiss di di.. i feel so touch.. when u hug my tummy..n sayang di di..i promise i wont love u any lesser when di di come out.. so wont daddy.. we love you ..our dearest darling shawn..

To bb di di: you r so active these days.. can feel your kick any time of the day.. hope u can feel kor kor love and will love kor kor oso.. daddy n i look forward to c you in every visit to gyne.. hope to hear tat you r fine..growing well.. count down to Jan10 to c u.. love you little darling :)

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Sharon & Benjamin 's wedding cum Rom @ Carlton Hotel on 090909

Dear fatch me from ofc..

29 Aug 2009 @ Labrador Park

Plan to go West coast park for the kite festive.. but the crowd there.. cant even find a place to park our cars.. so end up at Labrador park..

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Place to bring our kiddo to have fun :)

Come across these place suggested by some mummies in the forum where we can bring our kids to.. Cheap/free and fun places to share...

Farm Visits are very eye-opening and educational for children.

1. Hays Dairy Farm - Off Lim Chu Kang Rd at Lane 4 Website: http://www.haydairies.com.sg/
To get there: Bus no. 175 from Choa Chu Kang interchange. Alight at Lim Chu Kang Lane 4.
Visit early in the morning by 9 or 10am to see them milking the goats. This two-hectare farm has about 500 goats and produces some 250 litres of milk a day. Goats' milk has a natural hazelnut flavour and is richer in Vitamin B and mineral salts, and the fat globules are smaller than that of cows' milk, thus making it more easily digestible. It is thus said to be good for asthmatics, youthful skin, allergies and people with lactose intolerance. The children would love watching the kids (baby goats), learning about and identifying the different types of goats. You can taste & buy fresh chilled goats milk at the farm.

2. Quail's Farm, Lian Wah Hing - 5 Lim Chu Kang Rd at Lane 6F
Do not visit if you've been to the zoo or come into contact with any chicken or birds the day before as you may carry diseases that affect their fowl. There's turkey, ducks, chickens, and of course quails in this farm. You will get to sample some cooked quail's eggs and can buy them cheap & fresh from the farm too. You can also buy quails & herbs to bring home and boil herbal soups and tonics. Quite pleasant-smelling and tasting! If you visit on a Sunday, you can even taste the different types of herbal soups that they have for guests!

3. Jurong Frog Farm - 56 Lim Chu Kang Rd at Lane 6 Website:

Bull Frogs, tiny frogs (don't know the name, but they tend to feed these to Arowana fish?), tadpoles, etc. These water bullfrogs are known to many usually as delicacies. Besides frogs, there are also eels, turtles, tilapias and snakeheads in the farm.

4. Aerogreen Technology - 115 Neo Tiew Crescent, next to Sungei Buloh Nature Park.
Singapore's first commercial aeroponics farm. This farm which uses aeroponic technology to grow vegetables. Aeroponics, which means growing in air as opposed to organic (soil), enables the growth of temperate vegetables in equatorial Singapore. Nutrients are sprayed directly onto the suspended roots of the plants and vegetables. Many types of vegetables are grown here namely Butterhead Lettuce, Batavia, Baby Cos, Kai Lan, Bai Cai, Lollo Rossa and Japanese Yukari (Chye Sim) as well as cherry tomotoes. The Butterhead Lettuce is fresh, crunchy, sweet and juicy. The farm produces some 500 kilogrammes of pesticide-free vegetables a day for local consumption. Sometimes, you may even be in the season for strawberries! Go on Saturdays and you can do harvesting. All the vegetables you can pluck for your bag for one good price! You can also buy their pre-packed salad bowls, lettucino drinks and jelly. Contact them to arrange for visits
And after you are done with the Aerogreen Farm, you might just want to pop over to the Sungei Buloh Nature Park. Check it out!
Others - that we haven't been to, but you can try & let us know!
1. Oh Chin Huat Hydroponics Farm - Plot 10,11& 13, Bah Soon Pah Road
2. Dairy Tecnology Singapore Pte Ltd - 8 Lim Chu Kang Lane 8A Open 10-5pm daily Tel: 67937769
3. Nippon Koi Farm: 45 Jalan Lekar, Open 9-7pm daily, Tel: 67631882 Nippon Koi Farm:


4. Qian Hu Fish Farm: 71 Jalan Lekar ,


- Airport
would be a good place to spend some time at the Terminal 3 playground and free colouring near the playground.

Can also take the skytrain and go to all terminals and watch planes take off. Water cooler provided and toilet with nice baby changing rooms. For meals can go to the staff canteen at terminal 1, cheaper than foodcourt or fastfood in other terminal.

- IMM playground at 3rd level.
Free parking 3 hours...

- Sembawang Shopping Centre top floor, open area. Kids will have fun playing with the water :-) But i think after 8pm all the water will be switch off.

- Vivo 3rd floor there is a water fountain

- Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
in Botanic Gardens. Def fun & educational + FOC!


- Pasir PArk playground

- Marina Barrage. Nice place for flying kites and pinic