Tuesday 22 September 2009

Sun.. 20 Sep 2009 - Hubby went back work OT

Tdy hubby went back to work ot.. he left home very early.. but he still make it to tabao bf for me first b4 goin to work.. (Love u hubby)

Shawn woke up at 8am.. decided to cut off his morning nap.. let him slp only afternn.. so was busy entertaining him.. he loves to watch barney now.. is a must watch everyday le..

hubby decided to come back at 1.30.. while shawn was sleepin le..

i oso manage to catch me nap with hubby.. til 4pm.. then we went back yishun to have dinner.. my mum cook curry chicken n peanut soup for us.. yummy..

shawn had his porridge plus the peanut soup.. he was having fun playin with wai po..

left at 8pm.. shawn only slept at 10pm.. but since only took one nap.. he manage to fall aslp after i carry n yao him a bit lol.. i felt.. i m so wei da.. backache.. still must carry a 12.5kg monkey to sleep.. must beat his butt le..


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