Sunday 13 September 2009

12 Sep 2009 - Shawn is 18mth old tdy.. 12.5KG & 83cm tall..

tdy shawn went for his 18mth review n booster jab.. waited at home for the clinic to call.. appointment was actually at 12.30pm.. but clinic only call at 12.20pm.. when shawn was taking his porridge at home.. so we faster finish the porridge n go down to the clinic.. jus outside the clinic.. i receive another call.. askin whether m i goin n there are 4 more bb infront of shawn.. we were quite surprise.. cos i was told 5 more bb b4 shawn when i receive the call at home.. now how come still got 4 more...

we register at 1.15pm.. waited til almost 2.15pm then shawn was call in.. brave shawn.. no cry at all.. he jus sit on the bed.. while i check with the PD.. his nose got bit bleeding at time.. Dr Lillian say is normal for sensitive nose.. then i ask abt any food to avoid for him.. was told only raw food.. the rest all can eat le.. even some seasoning oso no problem..

Dr Lillian oso reminded me to tell Dr Adrian abt my GBstrep positive.. jus in case he forgot abt it.. haha.. tat suddenly remind me.. i m close to the finishin line le.. less then 15wks to full term bb :)

plan to meet celia n linda at 2.45pm at central BK.. but end up Ada still sleepin.. while i rush home to get shawn milk.. so sms celia to meet at the school instead...

Reach Central at 3.10pm.. happen to c celia at the carpark.. lucky we have her to bring us to the school.. which was at the office tower...

Stage and such.. is in an office unit only.. nothing fantastic.. shawn did some drawing with icecube n food colouring.. do bit singing.. (song created by the school.. which not very impressive).. got storytelling.. but shawn more interested with the toys on the mini stage.. got a part when mummy n kid face mirror to make facial expression.. shawn is more interested to make fren with the kid next to us.. he went to hug the bb ger.. haha!!

for the whole session.. shawn was busy moving here n there.. only pause for a while during the storytellin when teacher tell him to open this n tat on the book.. he even went to the back of a daddy n his son.. put his hand ard their shoulder n stand behind their.. reali shock hubby n i.. make use laugh all the way..

then they brought us to c the swim pool n tell us abt their package.. i was very sure.. wont sign up with them.. hahaha.. but jus follow n look ard ...

After tat.. we left together with celia to our cars... we meet up with my mum n brother n yt at long hse for dinner.. order a fish porridge for shawn.. but he keep reject every mouth.. make me so frustrating.. when i try the porridge myself.. then i notice y.. cos is shen yu zhou.. got some much mini bones in the porridge.. no wonder he dun like it... i m jus too careless...

end up he only eat some rice from my mum.. n some noodles from my yong tao fu.. plus a bottle of 180ml milk lol..

went Amk hub to shop.. NTUC was so crowded.. mad hse there.. saw a fishing program playin .. end up hubby n i struck there watching.. while my mum bring shawn to no where... hahaha.. b4 i knew it.. i lost my bb.. kekeke.. go ard to look for my mum n shawn.. lucky.. hubby more sharp.. n notice mum at the bedding ard.. chatin with yt's mum..

left for home at 8.30pm.. shawn was so tired by then.. he refuse to sit on the carseat... i carry n hug him to sleep.. b4 the car left the carpark.. he is aslp liao... all the way til we reach home.. he slpt on the bed.. i bring in some warm water to wipe him clean.. change him into pajama.. when i remove his romper.. he still wake up then.. went out to greet ye ye n nai nai..

went back to bed only at 10pm..

Now he know must greet pa pa, ma ma, ye ye, nai nai, wai po, jiu jiu & yi yi when he c them.. he know must say Thank you.. please... he understand our ques n will ans us by moving his head ... he will pull my hand when he pull me to get wat he wan... he will ask me to help him to take out the battery in the remote ctrl n use it to put into his toy fan.. he is very observen now.. alway imitate wat we do.. he even can imitate my mil .. say lai lai lai... cos she always ask him to come to her..

To Shawn: you have bring us so much laugther n joy.. we reali love u more every day.. esp me.. start to feel sorry not being able to carry u as often now.. cos of bb di di.. but when i c he pull up my shirt n kiss di di.. i feel so touch.. when u hug my tummy..n sayang di di..i promise i wont love u any lesser when di di come out.. so wont daddy.. we love you ..our dearest darling shawn..

To bb di di: you r so active these days.. can feel your kick any time of the day.. hope u can feel kor kor love and will love kor kor oso.. daddy n i look forward to c you in every visit to gyne.. hope to hear tat you r fine..growing well.. count down to Jan10 to c u.. love you little darling :)


  1. It has been so long since i log in into Multiply..
    Shawn is now 18mths??
    Last i read was you just gave birth to Shawn..
    He must been a very cute and chubby boy..

  2. :) cute but not chubby leh.. he look skinny.. but i can feel his weight when i carry him.. hee...
