Tuesday 29 September 2009

A day at fidget Turf club

I decided on Fidget.. so bring him there on sat.. cos mum knock off at 2pm.. much go fatch her first.. then we went turf club.. hubby wasnt very excited to bring him there.. worry tat he will refuse to leave tat place..

shawn was very 'cool'.. didn reali rush into play in the beginning.. only start to ran abt at later stage.. he even went to hug other parents.. nvr afraid to lost us.. but he dun like to play inside the pool of balls.. he rather b the ball picker.. whaha.. pick up ball n throw into the pool.. he prefer to kick the ball ard..

This is the first children day since shawn can walk.. :) hope he will love wat i arrange for him :) will get him a cake this thur.. heee..


  1. this pic is cute... esp the leg. :p

  2. Eh...your hubby hor...everyday wear same clothes de huh? The ECP photos he also wear same shirt leh...

  3. whaha.. not my big butt tat attract attention meh.. keke

  4. man la.. whole drawer shirt.. yet only like to wear these few pieces.. wash liao.. place on top.. when he take.. jua grab that piece.. so end up alway same lol.. hahaha
