Wednesday 9 September 2009

29 Aug 2009 @ Labrador Park

Plan to go West coast park for the kite festive.. but the crowd there.. cant even find a place to park our cars.. so end up at Labrador park..


  1. Come so far from Fernvale to fly kite ah...Never come look for me...I stay near the way, did you see the comments I left for your on the Kite Thread? No response from you leh...

  2. hehe.. far hor :P i cant find tat thread le wo... anything i can help??

  3. Alamak...okie, I find and put here...nothing to help la...just comments only...

  4. Oops...sorry...I got blocked from the forums already...Can't access now...But you can go to the "Free Items Only" topic, and Ctrl F and type "kite thread"... you should be able to see...if you still can't see, let me know, I'll try to recall and re-write here again...Got 4 comments, I think...

  5. Aiyo...stupid IT department lo...also dunno...main page no block, individual thread no block, just the topic page block lo...dunno how they do it sad... :(

  6. whahaha... saw it liao... i cut n paste here ah..n reply here.. then u can c.. hee...

    1. You really look familiar lo...I'm sure I've seen you or known you from somewhere b4... (i m from Xinmin pri/Bowen sec/NgeeAnn in FEO,TGB & FKLim.. anywhere u come across b4???)
    2. Shawn is damn handsome! (Thanks Thanks.. hee =))
    3. Vincent is damn sweet! (Hopefully is forever ah..)
    4. You are damn productive! 2 in 2 yrs! (u make me sound like 母猪 leh.. hee..shawn 2008bb..coming is 2010bb..hee ya..looks like 2yr 2bbs hor.. :) How I wish I can be like you... hee hee hee...
