Sunday 13 September 2009

Sun 13 Sep 2009

My mum off day tdy.. she goin Hougang to do her marketing n meeting her old fren to chat..

i woke up at 6am.. give shawn his milk ... tot if he dun go back to slp.. we shall go find my mum.. but shawn fall back to slp wo.. haha.. so i ask dear to wake up n get ready.. bath n change.. by 7.30am.. we r ready.. but piggy shawn still sleeping.. dear suggest..disturb him..wake him up.. since he is alway the one who disturb our slp.. is our turn now.. kekeke

i slowly change his diaper.. change him.. til he is wide awake le.. bring him to brush his teeths.. n get ready to leave home at 8am..

meet my mum at the coffeeshop.. shawn had his brownrice cereal.. while i have my wan tan mee... chat with my mum fren.. they reminded me.. last time i say i get marry..but dun wan give birth de wo.. now rushin for train liao ah.. goin for 2nd one le.. Oh ya true hor.. i use to reject to have own kids de.. how come now i rushing to have 2nd one.. i told them..cos i now young le ma.. scare wait later i wan.. oso cant have le.. mayb shawn had change my mindset ba.. after all..bbs are so cute de.. hee

when back to yishun with my mum.. she cook prawn noodle for us.. stay at her place for whole day.. shawn took his nap at 11.30 - 12.15pm and 5.13pm - 7pm.. i get to catch a nap in between..

left my mum place at 8.30pm.. shawn was still so energetic when reach home.. still pull me ard to help him to take this n tat...

i decided to try him ...slp on the matress on the floor.. he drink him milk n lying there guai guai de.. but once he finish.. he stand up.. put his head on the bed..near to me.. jus stand there lyin near to me to slp wo.. so sad to c him like tat... so i carry him up onto the bed.. n hug him to slp.. he fall aslp very soon..

Sometime i wonder did i make a wrong decision to have 2nd bb so soon... i dun wan neglect shawn.. but there r limit to wat i can now.. i cant carry him for long.. i feel my tummy stretch n pain.. i cant ran after him now... i reali reali wana sleep with him..even til 2nd is born.. but can i?? how m i goin to latch my 2nd when times come... will i b too stress then..

mil suggest let shawn go to their room... but....


  1. this was the reason y i refuse to have #2...
    dun worry. when ur #2 comes, shawn will understand. try to involve him in the baby stuff. After you latch your #2, best to hug shawn & praise him for being understanding. "zhuan dao qiao tou, zi ran zhi"
    dun fret too much. relax :)

  2. :) thanks... i m trying my very best to balance off everything.. hoping i wont give shawn an lesser tat i sld..
