Tuesday 22 September 2009

18 Sep 2009 - gyna visit

long wait tdy at the clinic.. upon i reach at 6.30pm.. hubby had register for me.. n was told must wait for 1hr.. so we went dinner first..

come back after dinner.. i was told i have 9 more ppl infront of me..

i was grumbling.. got angry n refuse to talk to hubby.. jus stand outside the clinic n wait.. despite hubby keep askin me to go find a place to sit down.. i m jus so childish.. (hehe)

i decide to go for my urine test first.. stupid toliet at ground floor close for wash.. i got to go to sec floor find toliet.. hubby jus come out from gents..was following behind me.. keep asking me where m i goin.. i reply him.. (rudely) .. "Find toliet la.. " he was like follow me behind dummly.. i m so bad.. :P

when i got back clinic.. still got to wait.. sat at the interchg to wait.. many couple sitin there waitin.. then hubby remind me.. we r not the only couple wait mah.. i start to calm down le.. laughin at myself.. crazy me..

got a call from clinic at 8.10pm.. went in to do scan.. was told me detail scan result everything fine.. (tat brings all me smile back le..) did my ultrascan.. bb growing fine in me.. now at 24wks.. he is 770g le.. so happy he is in good weight..

plan to bring shawn to go c getai.. but end up only reach home at 9pm.. by the time we bath.. cant bring him out le.. since is last day of seventh mth.. my mum told me not to go home too late.esp with shawn.. so cancel lol..

these few nite.. i was having hard time to make shawn to sleep.. even with him bottle of milk.. he jus refuse to lay down to drink.. keep standing up n cry to go out of the room.. duno wana look for nai nai.. or wan wat la.. make use so angry..

1 comment:

  1. i also dun like when i had to wait so long tat time. esp when they already gave appt time and we arrive on time.
    i dunno y those clinic anyhow schedule. how can timing delay so long.
