Thursday 30 December 2010

Roy jab on 27dec2010

I almost forgot abt updating this hee..

Shawn went for review on his prolong cough.. Doc mention got improvement.. But still need to continue his singular for 3 wks b tat zytac for his senstive nose.. The fluid in his nose keep back flow to his throat cos him to keep cough.. Hope 3wks later he is fully recovered..

Since I bring Shawn to pd review.. So I tot I sld jus bring Roy along for jab.. Roy is 9.2kg n 74cm tall at coming 1yo.. Bit smaller built as compare to Shawn.. Cos he dun drink enough milk daily.. Hai.. He got his last pnemo jab n the chicpox jab.. Brave little one.. No crying.. Mayb got Shawn ard to distact him...

No fever for Roy.. (heng) 

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Count down.. 4 working days to go!!

I m left with 4 working days with this firm ..

Tdy I save all my stuff I have in the ofc com into my hdd.. Somehow.. I feel bit sad.. I will sure miss my days in this firm.. After all.. This is where I have spend .. Moving to different stage of my life.. Single to married to motherhood... My boss reali is Mentor to me.. Guide me thro ..

Ailing come to know abt I m leaving soon.. Some how she oso got the plan to leave.. She not very comfortable to deal to mrs lims daily.. Plus once I go.. No one to guide her Liao.. So she keep tellin me sian.. Will plan n leave after cny..

Monday 27 December 2010

26Dec2010 Roy 1st bday party

Busy day.. But we r all so happy our little Roy turning 1 le..

Party starts at 2.. Every one start to come in by3.. When it's time for cake cutting .. I let Roy pick future.. N he took Qin cai .. Jus same as his kor kor..

Took out the cake n was shock to see it's not the pooh bear which I wanted.. It turn out to b seaseme street.. Everyone was waiting for the cake.. So I got no choice le.. Everyone was still excited to c the cake.. Esp the kids..

I believe all the kids have fun.. Everyone was enjoying the food n Kids were playing happily..

I m happy to see some old fren who turn up .. I was too busy.. Didn get to chat much with them.. Hope they won't b offended..

I see some baby n toddlers.. Who I saw them when they were so young.. I see them grow jus like my Shawn n Roy.. So happy to c all the kids grow up so fast ...

I have fren who willing to turn up with last min invitation. Thanks to Celia.. But I have relative will reply me "sure" on fri n yet send in ang bao on sat. Not even wana sms me to tell us she won't b here... I m NOT goin for anyone ANG BAO lo.. Very disappointed by them...

Thanks to all the uncles b aunty for all the presents and ang bao.. The blessing u bring with u to Roy party.. Thanks..

We hope Roy will grow up healthy.. Strong.. Ioves his kor kor as much as how kor kor loves him.. Love daddy mummy ... We love him so much..

As at tdy.. My Roy can crawl freely.. He even dare to walk without support.. Reali can scar us ..he can walk abt 4-6 step le.. He hold n pull himself up.. Cruise ard.. He will point n erer ahah.. Tell us wat he wan.. He will go mumumum.. When he wan eat something.. Mayb cos he is youngest.. Everyone shower him with lots of love.. He very "yang all" lo.. When we tell him dun do something.. He will bian zui.. N start crying loudly.. So cute.. Haha

Hao she bu de to c my boy moving on to toddler stage from baby.. But yet happy to c him growing up strong n healthy le.. I will miss my baby Roy n Shawn... Love them 

Thursday 23 December 2010

Can I do it??

I have signed the offer letter on Monday ... So.. I m sure to go into a new environment on 17jan.. M I ready? I m worry n scare.. Mayb as I m getting old...I no longer have tat kind of courage like b4... Or is those burden tat make me thk twice.. I do treasure the moment now.. As I can reach home early n play with my boys.. I m only sure workin ot is for sure there.. I heard it can b very bad til hit am.. I m hopin to bring work home to do.. So I can still eat n play with them first then contiune to work upon they slp.. Hope tat works ...

Pray hard.. I target min 3 yrs there ..

Roy bday preparation

We r all ready for little Roy bday.. Cake ordered from pine garden.. Buffet ordered.. Party bags packed .. I m left to make a small alpha Roy to paste on the wall setting.. N prepare the stuffs for his future pick... Hee

reali look forward to Sunday .. Starts to think back.. When Roy was born.. Those nites when dear n I take turn to carry n rock him to sleep.. The crazy nite when I left him to cry.. How tired I was lookin after two.. N suddenly... He is turnin one.. N he moving ard so freely now.. Crawl.. Crusing ard.. N I saw him walk without support .. 4 little steps.. How he try to move his little foot.. N fall on the floor.. Starts crawling away.. I m going to miss tat little baby..

Wednesday 15 December 2010

14 dec 2010.. The call

The call tat I m longing to.. Haha..

I was chafing with pris, Jo n my hb.. Whether sld I email the HR to ask on my interview status.. All told me o WAIT.. As least til wed or thur .. I was so Kan cheong.. Hopin so much to know how was it.. N jus as I haven decide how .. The call come.. Xiao fen from HR.. Call me to offer me the 1st yr senior associate S4 position.. I was so happy to hear tat.. Arrange for mon 20dec to go down n sign the contact..

So now Iust decide when to tender.. I m workin at client place.. Hence need to make a trip back ofc if I wan to submit my ltr.. I counted.. N no matter how fast I tender.. My last day is still 14jan.. So I decide fri will do it upon I return to ofc... How will boss react???

I dun intend to tell him where m I goin. Wats the new company.. But wat if he ask..

I read n was told.. This co.. The ot there is scary.. ESP peak period.. Can even work til midnite.. I will loss all the time I use to have with the kids.. So sld I?? I m trading off this bonding time I can have with my kids for my career advancement.. For more pocket $$ .. For a better prospect future.. Is it worth??

I tell myself.. Our burden get heavier as the kids grow.. So I can stay on for the seek of relax work.. More time with kids etc.. We can't afford to wait for jus yrly increment.. Plus this firm is too small.. Experence I gain there wasn well recoginse.. Like now.. I was cut back by as least 2yrs of experience..

I need support .. I hope my hb will... I keep tellin him the Amy of ot we sld expect.. Jus hope not so bad.. As least I will try my best there. Work hard.. Get my few yrs experience bank in.. With tat big4 name appear in ones resume.. It sure makes a different..

Pray for me!!!

31st bday on 10 dec 2010

Both hb n I was on leave.. Shawn appointment with PD was at 9.15am..we were early n had our bf nearby.. When I register him.. Then we were told doc will b late.. I start to worry..will it crash with my 11am interview?? After I keep pestering the nurse.. By 10.30am we were out of clinic.. Doc say Shawn improvement seem not much.. Thick phlgem still there.. Will need another review on 27dec.. Took some medicine n tat cost me $140+...

Dear rush out to get his car down when I make payment.. We quickly drove Shawn to Sch.. Drop him then rush to hong Leong building.. Dear was driving damn fast.. I tried callin the hr.. To inform I will b late.. But no one pick my call.. By 11.10am I reached..

The HR personal Hanneh Heng, bring me to the meeting room.. Took all my orginial cert then gave me a paper with the title on wat does professionalism meant to you ? I m suppose to write an essay on tat.. 10min later.. She come in to collect my essay.

The senior manager Vee Ling come in to interview me.. A lots of technical ques.. Such as how to test AR collective.. How to ensure payroll staff exist.. Ask abt my current firm clients industries.. Wats the most difficult issue I been thro with client etc.. She was quite friendly.. N we had a nice chat.. I ask abt wat sld I expect after this interview.. Do I need more rounds of tests n interiews.. Cos I read many stage to pass .. She told me dun thk I need.. I start to wonder .. Does tat mean I m rejected.. She said by next wk I sld receive call from hr.. So I ask way if I dun.. She reasure me tat I will..

So got to go back o wait for call

after tat.. Hb bring me to suntec but was too crowded there.. Hardly can find a parking lot.. So we decided to go city sq..

Dun decide wat to eat for lunch.. We end up in a koreanBBQ .. Had buffet there .. Food not bad.. But mayb Seng not use to it.. He doesn't like it..

After eating.. We shop ard.. N head downtown ikea.. I show h the clock I wana buy.. Went back home at 5+... had a short nap..

Shawn come back as usual.. Had our dinner at home then we went chong pang with fil to make his spac..

There gone my bday.. Nothing hoo haa.. Not even a cake for the day.. Thk most disappointed person sld b Shawn.. He loves Cake..

I got lots of bday wishes from my frens.. If one wish i receive entitle me to make a wish.. Hehe I must b dreaming... So jus hope all my loves one stay healthy n happy everyday.. For this yr.. Hope I receive gd news for tat first interview I tried..