Thursday 30 December 2010

Roy jab on 27dec2010

I almost forgot abt updating this hee..

Shawn went for review on his prolong cough.. Doc mention got improvement.. But still need to continue his singular for 3 wks b tat zytac for his senstive nose.. The fluid in his nose keep back flow to his throat cos him to keep cough.. Hope 3wks later he is fully recovered..

Since I bring Shawn to pd review.. So I tot I sld jus bring Roy along for jab.. Roy is 9.2kg n 74cm tall at coming 1yo.. Bit smaller built as compare to Shawn.. Cos he dun drink enough milk daily.. Hai.. He got his last pnemo jab n the chicpox jab.. Brave little one.. No crying.. Mayb got Shawn ard to distact him...

No fever for Roy.. (heng) 

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