Monday 27 December 2010

26Dec2010 Roy 1st bday party

Busy day.. But we r all so happy our little Roy turning 1 le..

Party starts at 2.. Every one start to come in by3.. When it's time for cake cutting .. I let Roy pick future.. N he took Qin cai .. Jus same as his kor kor..

Took out the cake n was shock to see it's not the pooh bear which I wanted.. It turn out to b seaseme street.. Everyone was waiting for the cake.. So I got no choice le.. Everyone was still excited to c the cake.. Esp the kids..

I believe all the kids have fun.. Everyone was enjoying the food n Kids were playing happily..

I m happy to see some old fren who turn up .. I was too busy.. Didn get to chat much with them.. Hope they won't b offended..

I see some baby n toddlers.. Who I saw them when they were so young.. I see them grow jus like my Shawn n Roy.. So happy to c all the kids grow up so fast ...

I have fren who willing to turn up with last min invitation. Thanks to Celia.. But I have relative will reply me "sure" on fri n yet send in ang bao on sat. Not even wana sms me to tell us she won't b here... I m NOT goin for anyone ANG BAO lo.. Very disappointed by them...

Thanks to all the uncles b aunty for all the presents and ang bao.. The blessing u bring with u to Roy party.. Thanks..

We hope Roy will grow up healthy.. Strong.. Ioves his kor kor as much as how kor kor loves him.. Love daddy mummy ... We love him so much..

As at tdy.. My Roy can crawl freely.. He even dare to walk without support.. Reali can scar us ..he can walk abt 4-6 step le.. He hold n pull himself up.. Cruise ard.. He will point n erer ahah.. Tell us wat he wan.. He will go mumumum.. When he wan eat something.. Mayb cos he is youngest.. Everyone shower him with lots of love.. He very "yang all" lo.. When we tell him dun do something.. He will bian zui.. N start crying loudly.. So cute.. Haha

Hao she bu de to c my boy moving on to toddler stage from baby.. But yet happy to c him growing up strong n healthy le.. I will miss my baby Roy n Shawn... Love them 


  1. Wah...I came at 2 sharp come you say everyone come at 3pm? :) what is each item for huh? I only know calculator is for accountant or something...Ruler is for teacher?

  2. Haha.. I mean all arrive by 3 la..

    I got one blog abt the items meaning.. U go search ah.. Qin cai mean hardworking.. Nothin to do with career ah..
