Wednesday 15 December 2010

14 dec 2010.. The call

The call tat I m longing to.. Haha..

I was chafing with pris, Jo n my hb.. Whether sld I email the HR to ask on my interview status.. All told me o WAIT.. As least til wed or thur .. I was so Kan cheong.. Hopin so much to know how was it.. N jus as I haven decide how .. The call come.. Xiao fen from HR.. Call me to offer me the 1st yr senior associate S4 position.. I was so happy to hear tat.. Arrange for mon 20dec to go down n sign the contact..

So now Iust decide when to tender.. I m workin at client place.. Hence need to make a trip back ofc if I wan to submit my ltr.. I counted.. N no matter how fast I tender.. My last day is still 14jan.. So I decide fri will do it upon I return to ofc... How will boss react???

I dun intend to tell him where m I goin. Wats the new company.. But wat if he ask..

I read n was told.. This co.. The ot there is scary.. ESP peak period.. Can even work til midnite.. I will loss all the time I use to have with the kids.. So sld I?? I m trading off this bonding time I can have with my kids for my career advancement.. For more pocket $$ .. For a better prospect future.. Is it worth??

I tell myself.. Our burden get heavier as the kids grow.. So I can stay on for the seek of relax work.. More time with kids etc.. We can't afford to wait for jus yrly increment.. Plus this firm is too small.. Experence I gain there wasn well recoginse.. Like now.. I was cut back by as least 2yrs of experience..

I need support .. I hope my hb will... I keep tellin him the Amy of ot we sld expect.. Jus hope not so bad.. As least I will try my best there. Work hard.. Get my few yrs experience bank in.. With tat big4 name appear in ones resume.. It sure makes a different..

Pray for me!!!


  1. You are good man...1st interview and you've got it! Congratulations! I know the dilemma that you are in. In fact, I'm in a worse position then you, being the only parent, if you know what I mean. Support from family is very important. You have to let your hb, in-laws, parents, everybody know about this. I guess the only way if you want to switch job, is to spend quality time with the boys. Shawn is old enough to understand. Talk to him, tell him that, mummy will only have weekends to spend with him, because mummy needs to work in order to buy nice things for shawn and let shawn have a better life...
