Thursday 23 December 2010

Roy bday preparation

We r all ready for little Roy bday.. Cake ordered from pine garden.. Buffet ordered.. Party bags packed .. I m left to make a small alpha Roy to paste on the wall setting.. N prepare the stuffs for his future pick... Hee

reali look forward to Sunday .. Starts to think back.. When Roy was born.. Those nites when dear n I take turn to carry n rock him to sleep.. The crazy nite when I left him to cry.. How tired I was lookin after two.. N suddenly... He is turnin one.. N he moving ard so freely now.. Crawl.. Crusing ard.. N I saw him walk without support .. 4 little steps.. How he try to move his little foot.. N fall on the floor.. Starts crawling away.. I m going to miss tat little baby..

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