Tuesday 27 December 2011

3 days to 2012.. Byebye 2011

So fast.. we are stepping into 2012 in 3 days time.. which will b roy bday on 31 dec.. n he is 2yo.. isnt tat fast...

For 2011, it was a difficult year for me.. or i sld said US.. i know it wasnt easy for dear oso.. just that he need to b strong in order to stand by me. I left old co n join new co but last for only 2mths and i left there and come back to old co. Its reali not easy to surive in that co. I m not wise enough? or sld i mayb i need to brush up my backstapin skill.. kee

everythings is back to usual after i come back old co.. but something happen in Aug.. which turn my world upside down. i m luckly to have my hubby ard.. i reali appreciate him very much..

Nov.. is another mth with surprise. we pass the mth with joy but mayb not everyone felt the joy like us. Who cares.

For this year.. mayb i didn gain any things.. i didn start my piano learning.. nor did i achieve anything on my career.. but i gain happiness with the new flat we moved in Aug. We get the key in Mar. We finally have a place of our own. I know hubby treasure tat. Cos he is doing most of the hsework now. hee..

For 2012...

I wish for many things...:

- Shawn is starting his lesson in Icreativelearner in Apr. Hope he reali gain from there.

- Roy is into playgroup le. Hope he can be toliet trained soon.

- Hubby will start his exercise plan soon..

- Hope everything go smoothly and our new member will b strong n healthy.

wish we will remain as happy as now.. no fight or quarrel.. All the best to our coming 2012!! dragon on the way.. yeah!!!


Monday 28 November 2011

Another new life..

After the last MC, we decided to have 3rd baby. And we start TTC in Nov. after my last mens on 20Oct. We tried early nov and the expected next mens was ard 21 Nov.

21Nov.. no sight of my mens coming.. (got chance :)) i tried to find my last leftover test kit. wan to do a test to see. But i just cant find it.. so on wed, i decide to order 5 preg test kit and 5 ovulation kit.

24 Nov, wo bu shi xin, went to search again for the kits.. and i found it.. went back our home and tested. Two line :) I have never seen one line on the kit. Starts to wonder the kits got problem?

was chating with Jasmine, she tell me highly likely i got it le.. tell hubby to c the result. He was happy too :)

receive my kits on monday28nov, did another test. Is still two line. Happy happy.. i went to get the folic acid from unity. Hope to eat tat first n delay to gynea. dun wana see him so soon. dun wana hear any bad new again.

Just hope no spot and everything go smoothly..

now i start to thk far.. so i got to start all over again.. preg.. bf.. look after baby.. plan financial.. etc etc.. can we cope?? hope we can..

we will close factory after this.. so just hope it will b a smooth preg jus like the two gor gor s' ...

look forward to see the bb in the scan soon...


Monday 22 August 2011


Last wkend was a difficult wkend for me.. Or I sld say us...

I come to know I WAS preg on 28jul.. Receive my test kits n did my test.. So on 2aug.. I went for my first gyne check. Scan only see sac.. Doc comment maybe still too early.

Sec check up was last fri.. 19aug.. Bad news.. Still nothing. No heartbeat can't c bb.. Doc said bb not formin well.. Suggest I do blood test or wait for another wk.. I chose to give bb a wk.

On sat.. My discharge got worst.. Like first day mens.. I still take 2 tabs duphaston.. But no improve at all.. At nite it jus flow heavily le. I can't do anything as bb jus wana leave my body le.. Very sad.. After discuss with hb.. We decided to stop the medicine n let bb go ba

On 21aug2011, the huge clot blood flow out .. With bad cramp n it jus rush out.. I know bb is gone. My tummy no longer got cramp n tightness. My flow jus back to like mens.

It's over. I m reali sad. Can't believe I loss my bb like this.. Natural miscarriage. I have gone thro it le.. Seng keep telling me to let go.. Cos bb not health ma.. Etc.. But I reali sad to know I lost bb le.. Y must this happen since god wana give me a surprise gift yet take away like tat..

Tdy I m back to work as per normal.. I m still moody but life still got to carry on. I can feel tat I m not preg le.. Feel so different.. Flow not heavy as all try. Jis hope it can clear by fri when I go back to do scan. I dun wana go for d&c pls..

Roy first day to Sch on 1 aug 2011

Roy goes to school. On 1Aug2011, he was send to moriah schoolhouse at abt 8.15am. He went in with Shawn.. Shawn bring Roy to wash room wash hand. Then Shawn bring Roy to the table to sit down to eat their breakfast. Roy seem fine with me stand at one corner far away.

But once he finish eating, he started to look after me.. Crying for mummy.. N non stop repeat tat.. I try to leave him n peep outside the childcare. Turn out Shawn saw me n cry.. Omg!!

Went lunch with hubby and rest at new hse. When teacher call me n I miss tat. Luckily mil at home waiting. So she went down to pick Roy at 2pm. Cos he is not sleeping and cryin.

Bring him back n slp til 4plus.. He looks fine at home.. But nite slp was affected.. He keep wake up to cry..

Day2- 2aug2011

Roy went school about the same time. He cry when I pass him to teacher. So teacher ask me to accompany him for breakfast. After tat.. I try to move away from him. Til teacher ask me to let him try. N he still cry n cry..

Afternoon nap need to carry to slp. Wake up when he was put on bed.so teacher call me at 3pm to bring him back..

He was so happy when he saw us there.. Poor thing!!!

Day3- 3Aug2011

Still bring him to Sch at 8 plus .. He still cried.. But teachers manage to calm roy down n stop crying.. was told by teacher he do improve le:. Mil n I peeping outside. N we drag til 5pm.. Til I wana bring him back.. He fall aslp le. So I waited outside til 5.30 then bring both of them back together.

The second wk was a surprise to us. Roy stop crying completely. Let teacher Carry him in happily. N wave to us with no rush for us to leave or hide from him.. He jus go in smile n no struggle.

So glad he can adapt so fast n well. Every morning he will wake up at abt 6plus n have his milk n bread or biscuit. Get change n wash up n get ready to go Sch le. He is enjoying it. He eat well in school n even my mum said he look so cheerful now. N gain weight le wo.. N is only 3wks of Sch. Well done my boy!!!

Thursday 21 July 2011


Hse Reno complete le.. So glad.. Now is to get the kids settle down in the new place.. We have been goin back to sleep on fri n sat nite.. But keep goin on like this oso not rite ma.. I alway ask Seng so When r we moving.. He is alway like keep quiet.. Hai.. We even quarrel over this few time le.. Since he dun wana decide.. Then I will decide..
I give him another 1mth.. After this 7th mth.. Hgf.. We shall move over... 100% moved... No more excuses..

I m very happy with my new hse.. No doubt simple.. No fantasy Reno done... All basic.. But is so nice.. My own place..

After waiting for so long.. We finally got this hse.. So wats next for us? Wat sld we b working forward for now?

First is.. Seng wish... I mean new car WISH.. He always wana change his car.. But look at the Coe now.. How to? Get sechand? Hummmmmm....

Sec is.. Get my 1st condo... Haha.. Tats my wish.. Hee.. I always wana invest in condo.. But where to start ah.. Since I got my new place le. Countin down to 5 yrs.. Plus sellin over tat yishun flat then... I thk sld b enough for my 1st payment to my condo dream... :)

3rd is target Shawn pri Sch.. I hope I can get te Sch I wan.. Pray hard

some tots abt friendship

Something happen recently tat reali reminds me.. I sld give a gd tot of who n wat does fren mean?
E who alway gossip infront of me abt T and refuse to even turn up for her invitation to some party. Suddenly they can b so close til T purposely arrange ppl to send E flowers.. N E go ard telling ppl she is so touch by her etc... Yet E wld come b tell me... They didn even meet up or chat... I reali start to wonder wats the motive behind all this.. I doubt even gd fren or close fren wld do such a thing.. Maybe they will if they r reali close ba.. But y T does tat then?
E use to complain to me how drama tat T is ... Wat I can thk of is T is jus tryin to 买人心ba... Maybe she needs fren..
I honestly went to tell E abt my tots.. Since E alway address me as sis.. N I tot we were so close... Too bad.. Our friendship doesn't even worth tat flower.. E hide her fb msg from me after tat.. N she oso hide her notes... I know where I stand le.. Thanks tat T.. She got it.. But I didn loss a gd fren.. Cos now I know E wasn't a gd fren to me.. She is jus a fren.. Jus like any abc...
I remove them from my fb contact.. I guess it wld b better not to know too much btw them.. Hate to deal with ppl wear mask n double head snake.. I duno how to deal with this kind of ppl.. Too complicated for me..
Now I knew Seng is rite all the while.. Hahaha.. He doesn't believe in E all the while.. He said E dun worth it.. But I insist .. Nvm.. Over is over..
Lossin a fren who u have come to c her true face .. Wasn't tat bad.. I dun feel so sad.. After all she has her own lift n settle down le.. Hope she found her happiness n reali happy... Take care E

Sunday 5 June 2011

Busy wkend

Every wkend got to make full use of it.. Busy.. Rushin ard to buy n buy.. When this end?? I m so tired.. Plus tat contractor so attitude.. Delay handover. No doubt he is cheap.. No choice ah.. Bo $$ then must face attitude contractor lo.. Hope once over won't need to c him again ah.. We decided to hold n won't pay him full then. Since he so ya ya now

Our hse almost done. Left with only some item like doors n mirror not yet do..n here n there ah..quite happy with the Reno.. Since most stuffs was my own design.

Furnishing all bought. Now us those minor items tat we will need.. Plate n bowl given by my mum.. So save on tat.. Rice cooker given by bil. I in tend to get the airfryer.. So tats the only costly item left..

Shawn n Roy keep having running nose n cough.. For wks.. They have been unwell.. Reali hope they can fully recover soon..

At 17 mo.. Little Roy reali good at inmiate ppl.. He will put a toy phone to his ear n start talkin his bb language.. Hand moving abt.. Tats how daddy tok.. He will follow Shawn n use gun n band n others .. He dun say bang.. He say ber.. Vibrating his lips.. Cute.. He can say some simple words like.. Open, door, there, no more, dog, where,... Addressin he is good.. He can even address Po ( Wai Po), Su Su, ye ye, jiu jiu.. His favorite is still PA PA ... He can climb everywhere.. He climb stairs.. He play riding toys.. He fight with kor kor for toys.. He ran away when he know Shawn goin to snatch his toys..

Shawn reali grow up. Everything oso got own thkin.. Throw temper.. Alway shoutin n cryin .. Sian..

Tuesday 17 May 2011

From the day we got our KEY

I haven been updating anythin here since I got my key to our little nest.. So much to write.. Shall start with...

Our new nest.. Start Reno since mid apr.. Which only touch on the kitchn base.. N it takes two wks to do the wardrobes n cabinet in his factory.. Btw I got my contractor .. Hau Siang interior ... To do my hse.. Mr lee did my mum place fees yrs back.. So startin may.. Workers starts to come in to do up the wardrobe etc.. We had agreed at 15K on all my request.. Hee .. Hope tats worth.. I nvr do my homework.. Lazy to ask ard for quotation.. Til now works still on goin there.. (shall update some pic soon)

Back to sq 1..
I went back my ex co.. Give up on the $$ but gain back all time I can have with my kiddo.. Jus gotto tighten my wallet n ctrl my spending le.. Being back for 1mth plus.. No regret.. I jus love my boys (includin my Lao boy.. Hee!!)

My sis big day..
First is ning on 12mar.. N this round is Eileen.. 1may.. Both of my dearest sister settle down this year.. N for both.. We attended their big event as one whole family.. Which was challenging lo.. Kee.. Saw lyn in the wedding grown.. No doubt I felt bit left out tat day.. But understd she was busy.. After all is her big day.. Anyway she did chat with me after her event.. I know she notice me de.. N she do mind how I feel.. I was touch to c her holding her hubby hand and match in.. I know 她找到兴福了!

Shawn starts swimin lesson
My little Shawn finally overcome it le.. He starts to love water n enjoy his swimmin lesson.. Til to date.. He even dare to jump into the water himself.. N tats adult pool.. Wow!! Kee... Every sun lesson oso become our family day.. With Roy join kor kor in the pool.. Roy can walk himself ard in the pool.. He's another of my brave boy..

We have been so busy runnin ard for our new hse.. Buy n buy n buy.. Spend so much ..

Look forward to my own home.. Finally.. A place of my own.. :)

Monday 28 March 2011

18 March 2011 .. finally our keys here!!!

Finally we got our key to the new hse.. after long wait...

i took MC on that day while hubby took half day..

we reach TPY HDBhub at 2pm.. went settle our insurance first.. then head down to get the Q#. We went to take our lunch and the moment we come back.. it was our turn. Went inside to sign lots of documents.. and as last.. we got our keys..

Went straight to the hse.. open the door.. was so windy.. bedrooms are small but the living and kitchen still not tat bad. overall.. we r still happy.. since this is such a long wait.. hee

since then we have been busy shoppin and discussing with the ID on reno on the hse.

Finally got quotation of 15k for our hse with all the basic stuffs done up..

Til to day..(28Mar) we have bought the following:

1) Mit Electric sys4 - $3600

2) Granti olympus sink + Tap - $242

3) Sofa - $750

4) Mitsibushi Fridge - $1350

5) Techno Stove/chimmy hob/oven - $1900

6) 4xceiling fan with light - $1250

7) Lights - $900

8) Paint - $360

9) Samsung 9kg washer - $350

Friday 18 March 2011

18 march 2011 A day we longing ...

We waited to comin 4 yrs.. Finally.. We got our own little hse le..

Reach hdb at 2.30.. Went get the fire insurance then get Q #... we head down to foodcourt for lunch.. Jus as we walk back to the counter.. Saw our # on the screen .. Quickly when to the counter 159..

The officer there keep printing n ask us to sign lots of documents.. Settle by ard 4pm.. Went 3rd floor to pay then went SP fill a form to apply for power gas n water..

After tat we went straight to the new flat.. I m quite happy with the living/dining area.. Kitchen oso not as small as I tot.. But the bedrooms are small.. Luckly not in odd shape.. So still not so bad.. Waited for the interior design contractor to come n discuss..

I add quite a few items to Reno.. He give me a rough quotation of 15.5K ... Wait for the detail quotation to decide to cut on wat..

Now is to shop for electrical stuff , lights, furniture etc.. Shoppin time..

Thursday 17 March 2011

What's going ONzzzz???

Haven been writing for wks.. Even since I starts in new job.. Life changed.. I hate my new job.. Ppl there sucks .. Backstaper .. Bossy.. So I tender.. U nvr have give up things so easily like this time.. But now I can't thk for myself only.. I must consider my family.. N kids.. Thk nothing sld b more impt then time spend with them.. So wat if cam earn big buck there..

Another big issue tat happen on tues.. Reali long story.. It started since last yr.. Mayb in sep or oct.. We.. As in my young bro n I has been asking ard abt transferin yishun flat to him name.. Ask abt loan etc.. N was told my settle loan first then can trf.. So I ask him to go apply hdb loan.. N tat drag til now unsettle..
N out of sudden.. He went to apply bto flat.. Which yrs back I have been askin him to apply but he refuse.. N tue he went to select his unit..
Officer there told him.. If he took over yishun flat now.. It will drain off all his cpf $& now.. N in 2-3 mths time when he need to pay first 10% for tat bto flat.. He will need cash le.. Havin know tat.. He SMS me.. " yishun flat got bad news" n ends there.. I reply SMS.. But nothing come back.. So I tot since he with officer.. Better tell me wat happen then we can clarify with the officer again.. So I call.. He tell me.. Call back later busy now.. Fine.. I call ah ma.. She say duno wats wrong.. Say will ask di di to call me later.. Ok..

They went on to settle the deposit then come SMS me.. Tell me the problem.. Say can't take over the flat ...

I was angry.. I scolded him for draggin til now .. Since all the while he doesn't wana take over.. Then y now then bring out all the shit.. Delay my side..

He say I FORCE him take over the flat.. He say I give him no option.. He say I m SELFISH.. He say is I who ask him apply bto flat now.. Sound like is all my fault now rite

I decided to bring mum over n stay with me n sell off tat flat ..

Then come mum.. Yty I called her to tell her I goin back ex co to work le.. She then tell me.. She won't wana come stay with me.. She will follow ah di n kor go rent an unit at $1.5k per mth.. She give excuses as if move in with me.. All her stuffs at yishun must throw??? Say stay here can't got yck work??? Wat kind of excuses.. My is empty flat.. I dun expect her to throw.. Excuses are jus excuses.. N worst part is.. She told me.. " ah di got no $ to repay ur CPF ma.. Can't take over the flat.. U go sell lo" she make it sound like I make them homeless now.. I MAKE Then
Homeless???? Wats the stitutation now???? I become the idiot??

Heard wat she say upset me most.. I cried in the mrt on my way home.. Waitin for Seng to pick me at buangkok .. I cried while ridin back.. Seng was angry too.. Went SMS him.. Wonder wat he tell my mum.. He tell us not happy can go there find him talk.. Dun SMS.. Wat kind of attritude.. He push all the blame to me...

Tell me.. I need the courage n strength to let go.. I have done enough for them.. Seng tell me.. I have our own family le.. Stop been so involve with them.. He will stop goin back every sat.. I cried again...

Is it they give up on me already or.. I sld have give up on them le..

Tdy I m getting my key to the new hse.. Waited for almost 4yrs.. But why m I not as excited as I tot I sld..

Let go let go... Easier to say then do.. I decide to sell off yishun flat.. Get wat I deserve n Reno furnish my new flat..

Sellin off tat flat will give me $$ to do up my new flat freely.. Has they tot of WHY won't I wana to sell at first.. He chose this path.. Like Seng say.. He will regret de.. Stay in rental hse.. Contrac over may not get renew.. Then must move again.. Plus.. Wat if his relationship with his gf turn bad.. Bto flat gone.. Wat r they goin to do.. Not goin to thk so much for them le..

Thursday 3 February 2011

初一.. 2011

A day jus pass like tat.. Spend while mornin at home.. Went pick my mum from work at 1.45.. Then went to her place.. Accompany her til 5pm then we head back home.. Let Roy had his porridge then went to hubby uncle place..

I was quite surprise by their reaction to my new job. Is like one after another keep askin abt my new job.. I guess only haven ask wats my salary there ba.. Dun understand y is there a need to compare?? I know one of Seng cousin n her mother always like to compare and boost abt their job.. N she is the first to ask when c me.. Not wish happy new first lo.. Chey!!!

Had a nice lo hei jus now with my inlaws ... Roy like havin flu now.. So I gave him some medicine.. He slept at 9.30... Poor thing..

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Bye hoohoo yeAr!!

It's 10.04pm now.. Very soon the hoo year is gone n comes the bit bit year!!!

This year I decided to have early reunion dinner with my mum.. N this left my mum alone tonite.. Sad.. She didn even cook anything for herself.. Jus call her.. Chat a while n she say goin to bed soon.. Tml still need to work.. My poor mummy.. Hug

Long wkend.. But I jus can't relax.. Cos Roy sick.. I left my office on tue afternn..n didn go in on wed.. So I was told I will need to go in on few evening next wk.. I m stress.. Esp with my stuffs still outstanding n I duno how to use tat program.. New engagement group going to b very "challenging"... I need help.. How???

Thursday 27 January 2011


New job new challenge ...

Me: can I get a copy of ya2010 tax copy
FM: u can get it from ur co tax dept.. They r our tax agent ah
Me: it's not within our dept. I can't get it there. Can o get from u
FM: but it's under ur co rite. Next time u sld get from them b4 coming for audit
Me: so is it very difficult to get a copy from u
FM: no.. I jus open the cupboard n take out from the file
Me: then .. U can jus give me...
FM: will give u later

After awhile.. He get the accountant to pass me a copy..

We r all 打工仔.. Y wana make my job more difficult .. Stupid hongkee..

Tuesday 25 January 2011


Now I know how "free" I was last time.. Left my last job on 12jan.. And join this new co on 17jan.. Everything jus happen so fast..

My last day there was jus like any other day.. I was busy tidy up clients' acc to ensure everything backup.. I do felt bit sad.. But feel better when boss dun even prorate my bonus.. So is like I dun owe him Liao lo.. After all he is a nice boss to me.. N leaving when peak coming up.. I guess can b quite difficult to get replacement.. But I reali needs to move on.. The increment I gettin in new job is far too attractive.. Hahahaha

First day.. Orientation for the morning n there I was send to client ofc to start work.. Guess tats the expectation of a senior ba.. Sad.. I was like so lost.. But I will hang on there... Hahaha.. Others can.. I m sure I can do it too.. Like wat ailin told me.. Most difficult stage of time I have gone thro.. Nothing else sld knock me down.. I hope tats true..

Jus hope peak fast pass n I can slow down my steps.. Every day is gone too fast...

Sunday 2 January 2011

PAC day1

After sending Shawn to Sch.. Dear give me a lift to sk mrt.. Took a train to tanjong pagar.. Course at capital tower..

Now at 8.51am.. Sitting here.. Waiting for it to start.. Lots of ppl attending.. Mostly .. I guess abt 30yo n above ba.. Haha.. Sound like all uncle n aunts here lo..

Saw ppl Carry big bags.. Backpack.. So r they goin back to work after this?? After 5pm??? Is tat wat ppl in this line sld b doin.. Common to do ot n ot?? Will I turn out like them soon??

Hope I can pass this n get it over b4 joining new firm.. Pray!!!


Tdy is Roy actual birthday.. He reali turn ONE yr old le.. N tdy is oso my elder brother bday..

Pine garden compensate another cake to us.. Due to tat mistake on Roy party day..

We went to collect the cake at 2pm.. Decided a steamboat dinner at my mum place.. So as to celebrate my bro bday as well...

Went goldenmill to buy tat steamboat n pass some stuffs to Jo..

Meet my mum at yishun mrt.. Went home put down the cake then we went woodland to buy ingredent for tonite feast..

Enjoy out steamboat n cake..

To Roy : we hope u grow up strong n healthy .. Must listen to daddy n mummy n b our good boy.. Love ur kor kor Shawn..

Bye 2010... Halo 2011

The yr jus gone without us knowin.. Haha.. Guess lift being a parent of two are suppose to b like this.. Too busy daily..

In this 2010...
-biggest achievement I have wld b I grad.. Completed my acca.. One big stone of my shoulder..
-my little Roy.. A big present on the last day of 2009.. N in 2010.. The grown I c in him..
-I decides to move on.. Tender my resignation on 17dec2010.. Sad to leave such a gd boss.. But for the future of our kids.. The expected $$ I need for them.. I must go..
-sign up for the PAC.. Course is on jan2011 but I had sign in nov2010.. Hopin I can settle it soon

for 2011, I hope
- adapt to the new workin environment fast n well.. Hope I can manage my time well n balance work n family..
-hope to achieve my CPA title
-hope I can teach Shawn to recoginse a-z.. He need to know tat for his 2012 course.. Haha
-hope we can let Roy join Shawn in Sch when he reach ... Mayb 20mo...
-hope our new nest will b as cosy as now.. Hee.. We look forward to tat..

Lots of changes coming up in this 2011.. I reali hope we can adapt to tat.. New work.. New home.. New environment for the kids..I hope we r capable to reali live n handle the kids ourself.. Without mil ard.. I hope I can.. Plus all the hsework n cooking..