Wednesday 29 July 2009

27 July 2009 mon - Sudden high fever

Shock by shawn sudden high fever...

He slept as usual on mon nite.. after drinking 250ml milk.. then at 2am++.. suddenly i feel him head kind of hot.. so i quickly get the thermometer to take his temperature.. OMG!!! 38.4degree.. i quickly give him the paracetamol.. hope it will subside

at 6am++... i take his temperature again.. 38.7degree.. i give him Ibunfen this time.. must quickly bring down his temperature.. i use wet towel to wipe him.. but he got chanky.. n refuse to let use use the wet towel on him.. hug on me.. refuse to slp on his pillow.. dun wana lay down on the bed..

Hubby n i decided to bring him to PD.. wake hubby up at 8am.. got to reach the clinic by 8.45am for registration.. when we reach there.. already got 10 over ppl q outside the clinic liao.. was told will need to wait 2 - 3 hours.. i told the nurse i will b ard here waiting.. do call us if is our turn..

So we went to have our breakfast nearby.. give shawn a pao n drink milo.. he ate a bit.. the nurse call us in 1 hr time.. luckly we didn go far.. quickly go back.. took shawn temperature.. 38.9degree.. hai.. took his weight..12kg..

Doc check shawn's ear, throat, butt..etc.. was told the fever may last 2-3 days.. if by 5th days still not well.. must go back to her liao.. ask abt H1N1.. was told he got no flu yet.. if flu comes in.. then i wld need to send him for test le..

When reach home.. take his temperature again.. 39.4degree.. (sad).. he is hug on me.. a bit sleepy.. i give him another dose of ibunfen.. then give him some milk.. put him to yao lan to sleep then..

Dear drive me to work.. cos i got one meeting with client in the afternn.. must b ard ... so no choice..cant b away.. keep calling home to check on him..

Today.. 29 July 2009

Give him a suppority last nite.. his temperature reali go down fast.. n got sweat le.. but at 5am++ i take his temperature.. again hit 38.7degree liao.. quickly give him ibutfen again..

i almost overslept.. quickly bath.. then left home.. drove to work today.. hoping after work can rush home asap to see my prince..

jus call back to check.. temperature still at 38.9degree.. give him another suppority liao..

PRAY HARD:.. nothing to do with H1N1.. shawn faster get well soon..

Hubby getting sick too.. hope he will b fine after resting.. i dun wana to b the next wo..

Monday 27 July 2009

25/26July2009 - Sat Nite "Mare"

On sat nite.. shawn slept at 9plus to 10 pm.. but he sudden woke up at 12.30am.. cry badly.. keep his eyes shut n cry none stop.. i carry him.. dear carry him.. he still cry n cry.. jus cldnt calm down..

i carry him out of the bed room.. he still crying.. got to bring him to pepper.. pepper lick him leg.. then he stop crying.. n smile a bit.. stay beside pepper for a while.. let shawn calm down first.. then go to the living room sit there n make sure he is ok liao.. when i wana bring him back to room to sleep.. he started to cry again.. dear decided to make him some milk to let him drink n sleep.. he drunk.. then make bit noise n go back to sleep soon after.. all this last for abt an hour..


slightly pass 2am.. is starts again.. he started to cry again.. dear slap his face to wake him up.. but he still cry.. hug on me tight.. replied everything again.. go to pepper.. pepper lick him.. he calm down n start to smile liao.. when he wake up liao.. he start to wana come down .. stand beside pepper ... refuse to go back to room again..

again dear make him some milk to let him go back to sleep.. he still drink n go back to sleep soon after.. but on off still make some noise..

Everyone conclude tat shawn was frighten by something.. cos he got greenish stools.. he shiver in yao lan during nap decided to bring him to pai pai on sun

Shawn woke up at 7.45am.. refuse to take the brown rice cereal which i jus bought.. (we taste it too.. reali not nice la.. no wonder he reject it).. so make some nestle honey cereal for him.. he didn eat much...

bring him out to meet my mum at tampine to have our bf cum lunch.. buy shawn some porridge.. he still eat well..

after tat we went Si Ma Lu to pray.. bring back some 'fu' and flower to let him bath.. jus hope it helps.. at sun nite.. he sleeps.. with bit noise.. thk cos i didn on aircon cos dear got bit flu le..


Wednesday 22 July 2009

20 July 2009 - Gyna visit due to headache

I was having abd headache since sun.. real bad one.. cant even sleep..

Hubby help me to make appointment with the gyna n he took halfday to accompany me to see the gyna..

I reach at 12.50pm.. waited at the clinic..cos only 1pm onward then accept registration.. hubby come at 1.15pm.. Dr adrian was late.. due to delay over the CCK clinic.. but he manage to reach with 20mins..

i was the 5th to see him... told him my suffering.. he give me paracetamol n some medicine for my urine inflection..

Did my scan.. he try to scan n see bb gender.. n i was told the bb look abit.... (hee) gender he didn cfm.. so i keep it secret from everyone.. hope next visit on 21Aug.. (ah di bday wo..) we can cfm gender le.. or 28Aug detail scan to cfm gender...

Was given 2 day MC.. rest rest rest at home...

Saturday 18 July 2009

17 July 2009 First meet up with Jan2010 MTB

We meet up at Suntec KFC.. but i was late due to the traffic jam..

Glad tat i decide to go.. hee.. have a nice chitchat session with them..

Wednesday 15 July 2009

That’s how sweet he is…

He will…

-         come into the room with a bottle of chicken essence on one hand & a glass of water on the other.. tell me to drink the chicken essence first.. then water.. cos I hate the chicken essence taste…


-         give me a lift to work every morning then rush his way to work.. I work at bukit merah & he work at Changi Airline hse…


-         carry Shawn with one hand and hold me hand with his the other…


-         search whole Amk for the bakery shop to buy the bread which I say is nice..


-         wake up every nite to make milk for shawn… attend to pepper…


-         drive me all the way to old airport road to eat my favourite Wan Tan Mee..


-         give me a kiss every morning b4 I leave for work..


-         buy me sour plum when I tell him I feel nausea..


-         accompany me back to my mother place every sat without fail…


-   get a uMist when he see me suffer every morning after a nite in aircon room..


do lots n lots of thing just for shawn n i... many many more....


Thanks my dear.. u r the best.. We Love You

Monday 13 July 2009

11 July 2009 – A day at Changi Airport

Went to my mother place early in the morning.. had breakfast at the coffeeshop rite below her blk.. with shawn.. he guai guai de.. sit there.. n eat fried carrot cake with us.. hee..

Then hubby went to workshop to check price to fix the CD changer.. his spoilt liao..

My mother bring shawn to market to buy fish cake for her porridge while I sleep at home.. was disturb by my ah ko call.. #$%^&

Mother come home.. happily telling me how shawn react when he saw so many banana handing ard in the market.. keep shouting for ‘ber na na’.. so loud til everyone look at him n laugh…

After lunch.. when my brother reach home.. we headed to change airport.. go there enjoy the aircon.. shawn like to ran ard .. while his jiu jiu ran after him.. he reali enjoy the most.. Hubby need to go down to check out the place where the project of work will b.. he wasn’t very confident tat he can take up the job..

Had our dinner at popeye chicken & biscuit.. dun reali like it much.. we all feel tat ..chicken taste abt salty.. Shawn had his porridge which I bring for him..

Carpark cost us $9++.. with two cars.. total up nearly $20 ah.. WOW.. hai

Shawn fall aslp soon in the car.. reach home at 8++… try to delay his sleepin n neh neh time.. he go to bed at 10pm..

10 July 2009 – Gyna visit

Was doing out audit at  Waterloo street tdy… asked my brother to come n fatch me after work.. hee.. left client ofc at 4pm.. then went to her gf workplace.. had an appointment with her boss to discuss on the project tat we intend to sub out to do..

Reach there at 4.30pm.. waited for hubby there.. til 5.15pm.. Seng was oso on course at starhub centre.. hence course oso end early.. he went back home to change the bike into his car.. cos we need to go clinic later.. he insist I cant take on bike anymore..

Had our discussion with Gina (YT’s boss) and the technician (keith). We had a general discussion over the job scope.. work time.. schedule..etc.. til 6.15pm then we left the ofc..

Reach Dr Adrian clinic at 6.40pm. Waited til ard 7pm. Was told my NT scan result was good. Risk is very low. Had the usual scan. Cant see bb clearly.. But he say still cant tell gender.. must wait til next visit ba.. Everything goin fine.

According to my NT scan report. My Edd is on 12 Jan 2010. Nice date :) hope bb guai guai.. n pop some time near tat day ba.. not after k.. else confinement period will fall into next yrs CNY le..hee..

Looking forward to next visit at 4Aug2009

Sunday 12 July 2009

Sunday 5 July 2009

Wake up by Shawn's CRY...

Not only me.. hubby was oso woke up by shawn cry..

shawn wake up at 5+am.. ask for milk.. give him his 180ml of milk liao.. still cant get back to slp.. cry n cry with him eye close.. bo bian.. i carry him up..hug him.. still cry.. then bring him to living room.. hope he will calm down.. ya he did.. but jus for a while..

by now.. all woke up liao.. then when shawn saw hubby... first word is "Neh Neh".. so dear went to make another 60ml milk for him.. after finish his milk.. he still didn go back to slp..

at 8am.. i make him some cereal.. bath him after tat.. then we wana bring him to lower pierce reservoirs to walk walk... but when we got on the car.. shawn fall aslp.. *faint*..

still slpin when we reach.. waited for 15min.. still slpin.. went to upper pierce reservoir.. he is still slpin.. hai..

So dear decided to go pump petrol.. then go eat bf le.. at petrol kiosk.. he woke up le.. he join us bf at amk.. luckly he was quite cooperative there.. n we had our bf in peace.. hee

went back home at 12nn... we reali cannot tahan liao.. let mil give shawn lunch.. then dear n i went to bed n slp.. til 3.30pm then wake up.. (long time didn take such good nap liao)

Bring shawn out to buy TongHeng egg tar.. craving la.. hee.. then search around AMK ave 10 for tat nice bread..

bring to Yishun a set of Egg tar n bread.. then went back home to had our dinner..

Pray hard shawn will not disturb our slp again ah.. hee..

4 July 2009 - Sentosa Outing

Woke up early by Our bao bei shawn ah.. so decided to bring him go gai gai..

Pack all the barang barang.. reach my mum place at 10am.. had our bf there.. then went to Jurong/Lok yang there to meet my di di.. he bring hubby to Stamford tyre there to buy some car asscessiores.. car visor and curtain.. spend $110 there..

then went to eat lunch.. i dun have appetite to eat.. but hubby rmb i say wana eat KFC Bandito last nite :).. he bring me to search for KFC.. n got me tat to eat in the car.. (He is so sweet.. Love him..muack!!)

Went to Sentosa.. wana let shawn try playing sand.. hehe.. starting.. he refuse to step on the sand.. but when i bring out the toys for him to play on the sand.. he is struck on the sand.. he insist to sit on the sand.. refuse to move to the mat.. he loves the sand.. haha.. (But i forget to take pic of him on the sand..sad!sad!)

weather too hot.. his cheek all turn red liao.. so we decided to move to shelter..the water playground.. he likes water.. play for abt 20min there.. refuse to leave the water... hahaha.. but i insist.. dun wan him to catch a cold..

Due to my condition.. i cant join him in the water.. luckly my mother is there.. hee..

He sits on the floor.. lookin at other elder child playing.. hee..

His neh neh time after bathing.. look at how he enjoying his neh neh..

NT Scan @ TMC on 3 July 2009

Had to walk into TMC to do the NT scan this morning... so woke up at usual.. very early.. 7am left home to had our bf at shunfu mkt.. then reach TMC at 8am..

Was already so crowded at the centre.. we waited awhile for registration.. then went in to wait for our turn.. luckly it wasnt long wait b4 our turn.. but hubby not allow to go in with me.. tthey took all the bb pic for measurement first then ask hubby in to look at bb..

whole thing only last 10-15mins.. tats so fast.. i ask abt bb gender.. was told too early to tell .. must wait til abt 16wks to know.. hee.. (i m too kan cheong ba)

We left TMC at 9.30am.. then head home to play with shawn.. while hubby went AMK to collect his medicine.. then we left home at 12++.. went to Yeenteen ofc to fatch her then had our lunch at AMK centre.. my favourite yong tao fu.. meet my di di there..

after eating.. we went Ubi Tan cheong to hand over seng car for servicing.. then hop on my di di's car to Balastier...HomeTeam.. to have our KTV session.. reach at 3+pm..

Hubby n i left to collect our car at 5+pm.. jam at PIE.. then come back to HomeTeam at 6+pm to continue til 7pm..

Had our dinner at LongHse.. reach home at 8+pm.. luckly shawn guai guai de.. sittin at the sofa..watching tv.. waiting for us to come back.. (Hugz my boy!!)

New 10dollar club at Hometeam.. no bad la.. very basic room :)

My hubby.. Hokkhien ko ong.. hahaha!!!

Bill of the day :).. we book a 5ppl room.. hence got to pay $50.. $10nett per person..

Wednesday 1 July 2009

GoodBuy - Mamalove Twin stroller

Hee.. come across mummy Christine who post  a WTS of this twin stroller.. tot it is a good buy.. so contact her to discuss on tue..

She has it reserve for another mummy.. so i got to wait.. til yty.. she confirm selling it to me.. n very kind of her.. she give me a $5 discount.. since i can collect it last nite..

So i spent $50 on this twin stroller.. good condition.. jus need some cleanin up.. she had self make seat cover for the stroller.. so the original cover were all very new.. mayb i will get my mum to make the seat cover.. this will make it look brand new liao..

Haven got chance to take some pic of the stroller.. will do it over the wkend ba..

Shawn like to sit in the stroller.. so cursious... he refuse to get off.. n he can chose front or back seat.. Look at how excited shawn is.. he wana climb into the stroller lol..