Wednesday 22 July 2009

20 July 2009 - Gyna visit due to headache

I was having abd headache since sun.. real bad one.. cant even sleep..

Hubby help me to make appointment with the gyna n he took halfday to accompany me to see the gyna..

I reach at 12.50pm.. waited at the clinic..cos only 1pm onward then accept registration.. hubby come at 1.15pm.. Dr adrian was late.. due to delay over the CCK clinic.. but he manage to reach with 20mins..

i was the 5th to see him... told him my suffering.. he give me paracetamol n some medicine for my urine inflection..

Did my scan.. he try to scan n see bb gender.. n i was told the bb look abit.... (hee) gender he didn cfm.. so i keep it secret from everyone.. hope next visit on 21Aug.. (ah di bday wo..) we can cfm gender le.. or 28Aug detail scan to cfm gender...

Was given 2 day MC.. rest rest rest at home...

1 comment:

  1. hehe..u r making me looking forward to u next visit!! =)
