Monday 13 July 2009

10 July 2009 – Gyna visit

Was doing out audit at  Waterloo street tdy… asked my brother to come n fatch me after work.. hee.. left client ofc at 4pm.. then went to her gf workplace.. had an appointment with her boss to discuss on the project tat we intend to sub out to do..

Reach there at 4.30pm.. waited for hubby there.. til 5.15pm.. Seng was oso on course at starhub centre.. hence course oso end early.. he went back home to change the bike into his car.. cos we need to go clinic later.. he insist I cant take on bike anymore..

Had our discussion with Gina (YT’s boss) and the technician (keith). We had a general discussion over the job scope.. work time.. schedule..etc.. til 6.15pm then we left the ofc..

Reach Dr Adrian clinic at 6.40pm. Waited til ard 7pm. Was told my NT scan result was good. Risk is very low. Had the usual scan. Cant see bb clearly.. But he say still cant tell gender.. must wait til next visit ba.. Everything goin fine.

According to my NT scan report. My Edd is on 12 Jan 2010. Nice date :) hope bb guai guai.. n pop some time near tat day ba.. not after k.. else confinement period will fall into next yrs CNY le..hee..

Looking forward to next visit at 4Aug2009

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