Sunday 5 July 2009

Wake up by Shawn's CRY...

Not only me.. hubby was oso woke up by shawn cry..

shawn wake up at 5+am.. ask for milk.. give him his 180ml of milk liao.. still cant get back to slp.. cry n cry with him eye close.. bo bian.. i carry him up..hug him.. still cry.. then bring him to living room.. hope he will calm down.. ya he did.. but jus for a while..

by now.. all woke up liao.. then when shawn saw hubby... first word is "Neh Neh".. so dear went to make another 60ml milk for him.. after finish his milk.. he still didn go back to slp..

at 8am.. i make him some cereal.. bath him after tat.. then we wana bring him to lower pierce reservoirs to walk walk... but when we got on the car.. shawn fall aslp.. *faint*..

still slpin when we reach.. waited for 15min.. still slpin.. went to upper pierce reservoir.. he is still slpin.. hai..

So dear decided to go pump petrol.. then go eat bf le.. at petrol kiosk.. he woke up le.. he join us bf at amk.. luckly he was quite cooperative there.. n we had our bf in peace.. hee

went back home at 12nn... we reali cannot tahan liao.. let mil give shawn lunch.. then dear n i went to bed n slp.. til 3.30pm then wake up.. (long time didn take such good nap liao)

Bring shawn out to buy TongHeng egg tar.. craving la.. hee.. then search around AMK ave 10 for tat nice bread..

bring to Yishun a set of Egg tar n bread.. then went back home to had our dinner..

Pray hard shawn will not disturb our slp again ah.. hee..

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