Wednesday 29 July 2009

27 July 2009 mon - Sudden high fever

Shock by shawn sudden high fever...

He slept as usual on mon nite.. after drinking 250ml milk.. then at 2am++.. suddenly i feel him head kind of hot.. so i quickly get the thermometer to take his temperature.. OMG!!! 38.4degree.. i quickly give him the paracetamol.. hope it will subside

at 6am++... i take his temperature again.. 38.7degree.. i give him Ibunfen this time.. must quickly bring down his temperature.. i use wet towel to wipe him.. but he got chanky.. n refuse to let use use the wet towel on him.. hug on me.. refuse to slp on his pillow.. dun wana lay down on the bed..

Hubby n i decided to bring him to PD.. wake hubby up at 8am.. got to reach the clinic by 8.45am for registration.. when we reach there.. already got 10 over ppl q outside the clinic liao.. was told will need to wait 2 - 3 hours.. i told the nurse i will b ard here waiting.. do call us if is our turn..

So we went to have our breakfast nearby.. give shawn a pao n drink milo.. he ate a bit.. the nurse call us in 1 hr time.. luckly we didn go far.. quickly go back.. took shawn temperature.. 38.9degree.. hai.. took his weight..12kg..

Doc check shawn's ear, throat, butt..etc.. was told the fever may last 2-3 days.. if by 5th days still not well.. must go back to her liao.. ask abt H1N1.. was told he got no flu yet.. if flu comes in.. then i wld need to send him for test le..

When reach home.. take his temperature again.. 39.4degree.. (sad).. he is hug on me.. a bit sleepy.. i give him another dose of ibunfen.. then give him some milk.. put him to yao lan to sleep then..

Dear drive me to work.. cos i got one meeting with client in the afternn.. must b ard ... so no choice..cant b away.. keep calling home to check on him..

Today.. 29 July 2009

Give him a suppority last nite.. his temperature reali go down fast.. n got sweat le.. but at 5am++ i take his temperature.. again hit 38.7degree liao.. quickly give him ibutfen again..

i almost overslept.. quickly bath.. then left home.. drove to work today.. hoping after work can rush home asap to see my prince..

jus call back to check.. temperature still at 38.9degree.. give him another suppority liao..

PRAY HARD:.. nothing to do with H1N1.. shawn faster get well soon..

Hubby getting sick too.. hope he will b fine after resting.. i dun wana to b the next wo..


  1. is it teething? TT is having fever 3 weeks ago ..... we thought is H1N1 but is becos she growing her molar

  2. his molar.. most teeth is out at this stage le.. he got 16 tooth now liao..

    i ask PD is it teething.. she say not.. any fever above 38degree is not teething problem.. Hai

  3. woah... scary. is he better now? need to see doc again mah? u need to take care too. esp now that u r preggy.

  4. how is Shawn now? any better?
