Monday 27 July 2009

25/26July2009 - Sat Nite "Mare"

On sat nite.. shawn slept at 9plus to 10 pm.. but he sudden woke up at 12.30am.. cry badly.. keep his eyes shut n cry none stop.. i carry him.. dear carry him.. he still cry n cry.. jus cldnt calm down..

i carry him out of the bed room.. he still crying.. got to bring him to pepper.. pepper lick him leg.. then he stop crying.. n smile a bit.. stay beside pepper for a while.. let shawn calm down first.. then go to the living room sit there n make sure he is ok liao.. when i wana bring him back to room to sleep.. he started to cry again.. dear decided to make him some milk to let him drink n sleep.. he drunk.. then make bit noise n go back to sleep soon after.. all this last for abt an hour..


slightly pass 2am.. is starts again.. he started to cry again.. dear slap his face to wake him up.. but he still cry.. hug on me tight.. replied everything again.. go to pepper.. pepper lick him.. he calm down n start to smile liao.. when he wake up liao.. he start to wana come down .. stand beside pepper ... refuse to go back to room again..

again dear make him some milk to let him go back to sleep.. he still drink n go back to sleep soon after.. but on off still make some noise..

Everyone conclude tat shawn was frighten by something.. cos he got greenish stools.. he shiver in yao lan during nap decided to bring him to pai pai on sun

Shawn woke up at 7.45am.. refuse to take the brown rice cereal which i jus bought.. (we taste it too.. reali not nice la.. no wonder he reject it).. so make some nestle honey cereal for him.. he didn eat much...

bring him out to meet my mum at tampine to have our bf cum lunch.. buy shawn some porridge.. he still eat well..

after tat we went Si Ma Lu to pray.. bring back some 'fu' and flower to let him bath.. jus hope it helps.. at sun nite.. he sleeps.. with bit noise.. thk cos i didn on aircon cos dear got bit flu le..



  1. looks like the dog is good for calming babies =) i ask u something, cos my mum also has a dog now, do u bring ur dog for walk, then when he comes up how, do u wa
    sh his feet, wat if he roolls over teh grass

  2. I can understand that, this few night, my ger also wake up and cry, cry until like someone slap or what, wonder idi she had too much fun in the daytime, sigh... maybe bring her go pray also.

  3. hmm.. my boy at times like tat too.. my mil sae perhaps is the 2nd one coming tat why.. hmm. .he last time can sleep throughout.. but nowadaes.. he cant. .worse my hubby at time work nite shifts so im pretty much jialat when hubby not around..

  4. I seldom bring pepper for walk de.. he got very sensitive skin.. only once a while.. i will put one clothing at the door.. clecn his legs b4 goin in..

  5. no harm trying ah.. jus go pray for peaceful sleep lol.. can give bit power medicine which can calm them oso.. i give him ba bao sen..from eu yan san

  6. reali meh.. u mean cos #2.. tats y he behave like tat ah.. dun thk so le.. i thk more like he is too excited in the day.. or frighten by pepper's bark..etc..
