Sunday 5 July 2009

NT Scan @ TMC on 3 July 2009

Had to walk into TMC to do the NT scan this morning... so woke up at usual.. very early.. 7am left home to had our bf at shunfu mkt.. then reach TMC at 8am..

Was already so crowded at the centre.. we waited awhile for registration.. then went in to wait for our turn.. luckly it wasnt long wait b4 our turn.. but hubby not allow to go in with me.. tthey took all the bb pic for measurement first then ask hubby in to look at bb..

whole thing only last 10-15mins.. tats so fast.. i ask abt bb gender.. was told too early to tell .. must wait til abt 16wks to know.. hee.. (i m too kan cheong ba)

We left TMC at 9.30am.. then head home to play with shawn.. while hubby went AMK to collect his medicine.. then we left home at 12++.. went to Yeenteen ofc to fatch her then had our lunch at AMK centre.. my favourite yong tao fu.. meet my di di there..

after eating.. we went Ubi Tan cheong to hand over seng car for servicing.. then hop on my di di's car to Balastier...HomeTeam.. to have our KTV session.. reach at 3+pm..

Hubby n i left to collect our car at 5+pm.. jam at PIE.. then come back to HomeTeam at 6+pm to continue til 7pm..

Had our dinner at LongHse.. reach home at 8+pm.. luckly shawn guai guai de.. sittin at the sofa..watching tv.. waiting for us to come back.. (Hugz my boy!!)

New 10dollar club at Hometeam.. no bad la.. very basic room :)

My hubby.. Hokkhien ko ong.. hahaha!!!

Bill of the day :).. we book a 5ppl room.. hence got to pay $50.. $10nett per person..

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