Thursday 29 October 2009

I did it again.. :(

I must admit.. I m behaving so childish these days..

I woke hubby up at 5.30am this morning to make shawn milk.. then dear went to bath after that.. n get back to rest after tat..

I woke up at 6am.. took my bath n get ready for work.. we left our home at 6.45am… slightly earlier than usual.. cos hubby wana take breaskfast with me..

Reach my workplace canteen at 7.20am.. he wana eat noodle and oso nasi lemak.. cant decide which to eat.. so I ask him to order his noodle.. while I will get the nasi n share with him lol… but nasi was not ready yet.. so he had his noodle while I wait for the nasi..

at 7.35pm.. he say he cant wait le.. got to go else will b too rush liao.. I start to get angry.. cos I waited for his nasi in the first place ma.. then now he wan me to eat alone.. I refuse to talk after tat.. he went to buy the nasi.. then sat there ate few mouth..

7.45am … he say really must go le.. i start to thk I m jus bein so childish.. :P

I was having cramp n on off pain during my slp last nite.. stomach getting harden.. jus hope bb is growin well in me..

To hubby: I m Sorry.. I appreciate tat u make an effort to drive me to work daily.. thanks


Wednesday 28 October 2009

24Oct2009 - Bought shawn's uniform

Went to get shawn's childcare uniform.. left our place at 9.30am.. hubby n i bring shawn there.. hoping he will b more familar with the place..

Try him on the uniform.. he keep telling me "mai".. (mean dun wan in hokkhien).. heng i still manage to wear his top on him.. n fit him well i sld say.. get the mattress cover as well.. chatting with the teacher abt our doubts etc.. shawn went to play with the kids there.. at first he pull daddy hand to follow him.. but dear try to walk away when he didn notice.. soon he is ok.. n play with the rest le.. even have a fall n knock his head.. but brave boy.. jus stand up n he is ok.. got a bit blublu on his forehead..

he refuse to leave the place when we wana go back.. keep goin ard to hugZ the elder kids.. wave byebye to the aunties there etc..

left shawn at home.. then we went sin ming ave for our bak ku tay... then we back yio chu kang rd to pump petrol.. the shell promo reali shock us.. the Q was so long.. i decided to walk back home first.. to give my mil his lunch.. then take LRT to compasspoint to c gyna...

i was feelin giddy since thur.. Fri nite.. i felt so bad.. need hubby to help me to the bathroom.. cant even stand n walk properly.. so hubby insist i go c gyna..

reach clinic at 1pm.. register.. but was told doc not there yet.. so i went shop ard.. n bought myself a bubble tea.. hee.. sat at the benches outside old cheng kee n read the paper...

decided to go wait at the clinic.. so i give hubby a call then went to sit at the clinic n wait..continue readin.. then i notice.. i saw someone who looks so familar.. tat MingLong.. my sec sch mate.. he n his wife oso wait to c the gyna..

i didn approach him.. (i m shy ma..) so i sms Huilin n seng.. seng reach after an hour.. at 2pm+.. i was still waiting.. but MingLong oso didn come talk to us.. til when the nurse call out my name.. he heard it.. then he shouted for Seng.. so LOUD... heng not so crowded liao.. n then call me oso.. we start to chat.. his wife oso due in jan.. n is their first son.. so nice..

looks like we r all moving to next stage of life le.. promoting to parent liao.. so many sec schmate had promoted... Jus make a list ...:

Me + Seng : #1 Son, #2 Son coming Jan

HuiLing + Glen: #1 Ger, #2 Coming

Tanny + GuoLiang: #1 Son

Hanyi + Winnie: #1 Son

Guqi + hubby: #1 Son Xavier, #2 Son Scott

MingLong + Wife: #1 Son coming Jan

LiShan + Hubby: #1 Son, #2 Son

YueJiao + ChunMu: #1 Ger Jocelyn, #2 Son Jordan

JiaRong + Wife: #1 Ger, #2 Son

Edalin + Hubby: #1 Son Matt

Not to forget some others... Jennifer Aw (#1Son), Ivy (#1Ger#2Son), Karen (#1Son)...

Long list to go on n on.. I guess i must have miss out lots of other i know of but didn hear from them for ages liao.. so duno their status now (married/Single or Parent liao) hee...

Thursday 22 October 2009

First time shawn see GerTai.. 22 Oct 2009

My mum told me on wed nite tat yishun has gertai for a wk.. so we decided to go back on thur nite..for dinner then bring shawn go watch ger tai..

Reach my mum place at 7.45pm.. my elder brother was ard.. siting at the living room.. shawn refuse to enter n cry when he saw him.. we were quite shock.. cos shawn can even wave to stranger at the lift jus now.. yet see da jui can cry til like tat.. n this is not his first time to c him wo.. so i carry him in n go straight to the kitchen..

had our dinner.. n shawn ate some rice as well... after eating.. dear went downstair to watch the ger tai.. while shawn n i stay at home to play n watch tv.. think shawn wont b able to stay there to watch ger tai for long.. so let hubby go down to watch first... shawn was play his ball.. can throw real high up .. n when it fall on his head.. he will cover his mouth n laugh.. bend his body forward.. so funny de..

at 9++.. daddy still didn call.. so my mum n i bring shawn downstair to find him le.. manage to find him.. then we stood there n watch.. surprisingly.. shawn enjoy it wo.. whahaha.. got daddy gene la..

Shawn look at the lights... when they sing.. he start nob his head.. move his eye brow... n even clap his hand... my poor mum got to carry him.. cos he refuse to let daddy to carry... so at time i take over to carry him a while..

left for home at 10.30pm... shawn fall aslp in the car.. then dear carry him back home.. but upon put on bed.. he wake up le.. so i quickly went to make his bottle of milk.. let him drink.. luckly he went back to slp when he finish his milk...

Monday 19 October 2009

Our long wkend..

Sat 17Oct2009

Shawn wake up early as usual.. 7.45am.. as usual.. he brush teeth with mummy .. had his bf.. then hubby n i went bf at Old airport rd.. The usual wan tan mee we alway eat was closing.. so i have another stall wan tan mee while hubby had his kuay zai.. then we move to another stall to have my tan yuan..

after tat we went Ikea to buy the curtain bar to fix at the living room.. mil say the sun shine in n reflect at the tv.. no good for shawn to watch tv during the day lol..

went back.. hubby drill n fix at the living room when shawn n i hide inside our room.. eat his lunch n read his Big ABC book..

shawn had his nap til 2.30pm.. then he wana go kai kai le.. but hubby n i duno where to bring him.. end up we went Sabawang shopping centre.. shop at giant.. n wana try to let him play at the water playground.. but.. he react jus like how he does at the swim pool.. he hug on to me n cry.. refuse to let us stand up.. ask us to SIT.. i still insist n bring him to one small area to touch the water.. he reject at first.. but slowly.. he begin to wana play the water le.. but still only tat small area.. for a while.. he ask us to go back to sit le.. he refuse to let hubby carry him.. then shawn insist wana sit in his stroller.. n GO le..

at first we intend to go back my mum place for dinner.. but she reali make me so fedup.. so i told her not goin home le.. had our dinner at Aybang yong tan fu.. at old Nee shun rd.. shawn wasn not behaving himself.. dun eat his porridge nor rice.. must keep coax him.. make hubby so angry..

Went back home after eating.. when we reach our home carpark.. then i notice.. little noti fall aslp le wo.. haha. i try to wake him up n make him walk home.. :)


Hubby went back to work OT tdy.. mil do her marketing.. while shawn n i wake up at 7.15am.. i make some scramble egg with tomato n cheese for him.. but he still refuse to eat wo.. i find it quite nice le.. but duno y he jus dun like.. so he only eat biscuit, cereal drink.. n bit bread..

bath him n wana make him take his morning nap.. but he refuse wo.. play til lunch time.. he was too tired to eat le.. oso eat a bit only.. then i make him a bottle of milk.. n he fall aslp after drinkin..

wake up at 2.30pm.. we watch tv together.. play his toys etc.. til 3.30pm.. mil take over n look after him while i went to take a nap.. hubby come back at 3.45pm.. n bath pepper.. i cant slp well.. cos room was so hot in the afternn.. hope the weather will b better when i m on confinement lol..

19Oct2009 - MIL bday

My boss let us off to cover the sat holiday.. so i m home with shawn.. wake up at 7.30am.. play with him.. mil make him some oat to eat.. i feed him.. he was guai n finish him bf fast.. then we watch tv.. play .. til 10.15am.. then i bath him.. n give him a bottle of ribina to drink.. then he fall aslp... til 11.30am.. he wake up..

had his lunch at 12.15pm.. then i start to prepare his stuffs... hubby reach home at 1pm.. bath.. then we bring mil out for lunch.. went suntec.. walk round the fountain.. but duno wat to eat.. end up we went to swensen.. shawn was given color pencil n paper.. sticker.. he was ok in the start.. playin those stuffs.. but half way thro the meal.. he keep wan me to bao bao ... give him some fries.. eat some ice cream.. heng we manage to make him sit in the high chair.. til we finish..

then we went Funan to collect hubby notebook.. which he got it from Singtel..

he was so busy with his notebook when reach home.. while i take my nap.. n shawn take his nap.. inside his stroller.. whaha.. he fall aslp in the car.. i manage to carry him into his stroller n slp all the way til at home.. n continue til 6pm :P

He was so energetic after the long nap.. too excited til dinner oso dun wana eat.. keep runnin ard.. i was so tired feedin him..

he has a long gun which hubby buy for him long ago.. recently.. he know tat he can carry the gun.. n he will "bang" at anyone.. then if we pretend to "died".. he will laugh out loud.. end using his finger.. he oso can play with us "bang Bang" he like us to hide n jump out bang bang at him.. then he will ran..

He learn to say "mai"... if he dun wan any stuff.. he will either say "mai" or "no no" with him mouth du up high.. hee..

I notice shawn start to control his temper better.. we can tell him nicely.. sometime he understand.. n will no throw tantrum like b4 le.. hope he will behave ... esp during meal time outside lol.. hee

two more wks n shawn will  goin childcare le.. will b goin to the centre to get his uniform n pay school fee this sat.. will go early n bring shawn there.. hope he will get use to tat place.. n play with the kids like b4...(when we went for enrolment..)

Visit to gyna @ 27wks+

Tdy i m having my gyna visit after work.. rush down to clinic after work.. told hubby to go home bring shawn along.. but b4 i reach clinic.. i got a call from them.. tellin my doc will only arrived at 7.30pm..

i reach clinic at 6.40pm.. register.. n was told there are abt 30++ ppl infront of me liao.. so ask me to go back first.. they will call me..

took LRT back.. meet hubby for dinner at Kofu.. then went back home to bath.. shawn was still so excited.. waiting to go kai kai.. hee..

decide to take LRT to Compasspoint.. so we slowly make our way there at 8pm.. the clinic call on the way.. but when i reach.. i was told must wait for another 20 mins.. so we went to look for bil.. chat a bit.. then went to the clinic n wait...

as usual.. the check up was very fast.. talk a while.. do the scan.. then b4 shawn get to c di di.. the scan was over liao.. hee... blur shawn still wondering wat i was asking.. when i ask him did he c di di.. only hug my tummy..n lift up my shirt to find my tummy n kiss di di..

My bb hero is 1292g now.. everything is fine.. bb head is below with leg is at my upper tummy.. hope he wont turn back le.. jus stay in this position..

i was telling hubby.. i scare i might have early labour this round.. cos i keep squat down to attend to shawn.. feed him.. play with him.. pee him etc.. n i keep having the mild contraction at lower tummy.. mayb i sld tell doc the next visit.. jus in case i might need some vendolin to stablise n delay labour.. jus pray he stay guai guai til at least 2010 jan ba.. hee

Sunday 11 October 2009

Shawn is 19mth old tdy - 12 Oct 2009

My darling shawn is 19mths old tdy.. he woke up every hr last nite.. (dun ask me YYY.. i oso duno.. he will wake up..eye shut n CRY.. ).. he had make me so tired.. headache & giddy this morning.. TIRED ah...

Sat 10Oct09.. again i bring him to the pool.. tot with more ppl tag along.. he will loves the pool again.. but.. hai.. unsuccessful again.. wonder what happen.. we went with my mum n brother n his gf.. shawn refuse to go into the water.. cry loud.. n even the others cant go into the water.. he scream for them to get out of the water.. so we try to grab him into the water.. he still cry.. end up he sit with me on the steps n watch other kids playin in the water.. he hug on to me.. refuse to let go lol.. i bring him to bath in the children toliet.. he was very good boy.. stand there n wait.. while i splash water on him.. he go "shoo shoo" as the water falls on his body.. cos it was so cold.. tat makes me laugh.. we left the pool at 5.30pm n head to Northpoint for dinner...

Shawn had his salmon rice wrap with egg.. he like tat.. hee.. sat in the high chair n eat..

Sun 11 Oct 2009... i woke up early to make some scramble egg n bread for shawn.. he woke up at 8.45am... had his bf.. then mil bath him.. while i prepare his stuff to go out.. my mum was on leave.. so we went pick her up n had our bf at amk.. then head to my er yi hse.. to collect the bean husk to make pillow for #2.. shawn was quiet at first at YiPO hse.. n the little mei mei there was staring at shawn oso.. but soon they start to play le.. shawn hug n sayang mei mei.. even share the ball with mei mei.. so proud of him.. :) when YiPo give him the biscuit.. he even wana give mei mei to eat first.. but i tell him to eat.. mei mei has hers liao.. shawn then put it into his mouth..

After tat we spend our day at my mum place.. shawn was playing n jumpin ard the hse lol.. even join my mum to brush his clothing in the toliet.. got himself all wet.. so i bath him after tat.. n he started to take the brush n brush his own clothing after the bath.. *faint*..

Left my mum place at 7.30pm.. shawn hold on to Waipo n insist wan her to follow us.. luckly he listen.. i told him we will come again next wk.. he guai guai de wave byebye to waipo.. even hug n kiss waipo..

we disturb shawn n refuse to let him slp in the car.. (whaha.. ) when he reach home.. he got fuss le.. so at 9.15pm.. i make him his 250ml milk... he finish it so fast.. but still wide awake.. so i play with him on the bed.. til 10pm.. daddy make another 120ml milk for him.. luckly he manage to close his eye n rest after the milk...

but from 11.45pm onward.. he keep wake up n cry.. hai.. my nitemare started..

Til tdy.. shawn

- refuse to learn ABC or 123... he will have only few min patient to listen to me read those books.. then he will pick up another book for me to read..

-refuse to sit on potty.. he only sit on the adult toliet bowl to poo every morning.. after tat will wait for us to pee him every 30-45min on the pee tray..

-refuse to address ppl straight away.. (expect for papa, mama, yeye, nainai) .. he need sometime to "warm" up.. then he will add them.. even for waipo..

-refuse to sit on highchair to have his meal.. now he sit on the tv when eating.. or ran abt liao.. (tiring while feeding him lol..hope to train him to self feed soon)

-refuse to put on diaper ... now he go use to go ard without diaper most of the time.. so he will so "shoo shoo".. when we put him on diaper.. he grab his butt.. like tellin us tats uncomfortable.. we need 3 adults to put diaper on 1toddler.. power leh..

-refuse to follow instruction... he wan thing in his way.. if we dun.. he will start his nonsense.. CRY.. sit on the floor n kick his leg.. even lyin on the floor now.. i will ignore him.. but mil will go sayang him as usual.. now he start to understand when i say " mummy say NO! NO!" then he will follow me n say NO!NO!... n stare at me...

In another 3wks time.. shawn is going to full time childcare le.. i hope i can help him to adapt fast.. i got lots of worries n she bu de.. but .. i must learn to let go.. else how can my boy learn more rite...

To Shawn: U must b brave n learn to protect urself k.. Daddy n mummy will b ard u to lead u.. but lots of thing will depend on urself as times goes by.. so u must b independent.. we love u lots..

To Hubby: I understand recently ur job are kind of stressful.. n mayb tats y u neglected US..(Shawn n i).. but i can c u r trying ur best le.. We still loves u dear.. even after tat SMS i send u.. heehee.. jus wana wake u up with tat.. *muack*

To little hero in me : u r getting more n more active.. every nite i can feel u jumpin in me le.. looking forward to c u this fri.. hope u r growing well in me :) we r left with 2.5mths more to go.. Daddy, Kor Kor & mummy love u ... u must jia you k.. pray for a healthy bb in 2.5mths time :)

Monday 5 October 2009

Pic taken on 4oct2009

Noti shawn keep climb up n down the chair.. look at him.. time reali flies... bb to toddlers..

3Oct2009 - Celebrate Mid Autumn @ my mum place

Weather wasnt good tdy.. plan to bring shawn to swim.. yet whole day on off rain.. so we waited shawn to wake up from him afternn nap.. 4.30pm.. pack up n reach my mum place at 5.30pm le..

had dinner.. having hard time to feed shawn.. so tiring.. then bath him.. n i start to light up the lantern to hang out the hse.. i love to do tat.. when i use to do it every year last time.. dear oso love to :) look at both of use hang everywhere outside the hse.. shawn was excited to c those lantern light up..

With Shan & Alex @ ecp.. 2 Oct 2009

Last min we decided to go bedok jetty to relax.. play lantern.. but didn..cos shawn too active ah.. shan n i busy chasing him.. eat mooncake.. fishing.. alex n seng was busy fishin.. play shawn barney to entertain him.. tot he will jus sit there n watch.. but at 10pm.. he was too tired le.. crying for ma ma to bao bao.. refuse to sit in his stroller liao..

Have a nice chat with shan.. come to know she has her date fix le.. so wedding on the way le.. so happy for them.. look forward to their wedding..

reach home at 12midnite.. haha.. nvr have we reach home so late with shawn b4.. he fall aslp in my arm in the car.. heng i let him go out in pyjamas.. (i know tats bad..) so reach home.. i jus change his diaper.. n put him to continue to slp on the bed le.. hee

More pic with Alex cam.. hehe..

Hubby's 32nd bday..

I need to go client place to do stock take tdy.. hence cant take leave.. so my poor hubby got to b lonely for the day.. since he on leave.. he went fishin at ponggol.. then come to fatch me after work.. we went compasspoint sakeesushi.. he loves jap food.. order a mini steamboat to share.. i have heavy lunch.. treat by mrs lim.. her bday on 1oct.. so i cant eat much for dinner.. had some sushi only..

Went to fourleave to buy hubby cake.. plan to get one for hubby one for shawn.. cos tml is children day ma.. but hubby say jus buy a big one...

Happy birthday to my dearest hubby !!! we (Shawn, hero bb n me) love u lots n lots :)

Barney lantern for shawn..

Went AMK Hub ntuc to get him this lantern on 26 Sep 2009.. he was excited to c it..