Thursday 22 October 2009

First time shawn see GerTai.. 22 Oct 2009

My mum told me on wed nite tat yishun has gertai for a wk.. so we decided to go back on thur nite..for dinner then bring shawn go watch ger tai..

Reach my mum place at 7.45pm.. my elder brother was ard.. siting at the living room.. shawn refuse to enter n cry when he saw him.. we were quite shock.. cos shawn can even wave to stranger at the lift jus now.. yet see da jui can cry til like tat.. n this is not his first time to c him wo.. so i carry him in n go straight to the kitchen..

had our dinner.. n shawn ate some rice as well... after eating.. dear went downstair to watch the ger tai.. while shawn n i stay at home to play n watch tv.. think shawn wont b able to stay there to watch ger tai for long.. so let hubby go down to watch first... shawn was play his ball.. can throw real high up .. n when it fall on his head.. he will cover his mouth n laugh.. bend his body forward.. so funny de..

at 9++.. daddy still didn call.. so my mum n i bring shawn downstair to find him le.. manage to find him.. then we stood there n watch.. surprisingly.. shawn enjoy it wo.. whahaha.. got daddy gene la..

Shawn look at the lights... when they sing.. he start nob his head.. move his eye brow... n even clap his hand... my poor mum got to carry him.. cos he refuse to let daddy to carry... so at time i take over to carry him a while..

left for home at 10.30pm... shawn fall aslp in the car.. then dear carry him back home.. but upon put on bed.. he wake up le.. so i quickly went to make his bottle of milk.. let him drink.. luckly he went back to slp when he finish his milk...

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