Thursday 29 October 2009

I did it again.. :(

I must admit.. I m behaving so childish these days..

I woke hubby up at 5.30am this morning to make shawn milk.. then dear went to bath after that.. n get back to rest after tat..

I woke up at 6am.. took my bath n get ready for work.. we left our home at 6.45am… slightly earlier than usual.. cos hubby wana take breaskfast with me..

Reach my workplace canteen at 7.20am.. he wana eat noodle and oso nasi lemak.. cant decide which to eat.. so I ask him to order his noodle.. while I will get the nasi n share with him lol… but nasi was not ready yet.. so he had his noodle while I wait for the nasi..

at 7.35pm.. he say he cant wait le.. got to go else will b too rush liao.. I start to get angry.. cos I waited for his nasi in the first place ma.. then now he wan me to eat alone.. I refuse to talk after tat.. he went to buy the nasi.. then sat there ate few mouth..

7.45am … he say really must go le.. i start to thk I m jus bein so childish.. :P

I was having cramp n on off pain during my slp last nite.. stomach getting harden.. jus hope bb is growin well in me..

To hubby: I m Sorry.. I appreciate tat u make an effort to drive me to work daily.. thanks



  1. we all have our childish moment, i think i m guilty of it at times too =p

  2. Think pregnant woman gets angry more easily? Jia you, only a couple of months more to go!
