Wednesday 28 October 2009

24Oct2009 - Bought shawn's uniform

Went to get shawn's childcare uniform.. left our place at 9.30am.. hubby n i bring shawn there.. hoping he will b more familar with the place..

Try him on the uniform.. he keep telling me "mai".. (mean dun wan in hokkhien).. heng i still manage to wear his top on him.. n fit him well i sld say.. get the mattress cover as well.. chatting with the teacher abt our doubts etc.. shawn went to play with the kids there.. at first he pull daddy hand to follow him.. but dear try to walk away when he didn notice.. soon he is ok.. n play with the rest le.. even have a fall n knock his head.. but brave boy.. jus stand up n he is ok.. got a bit blublu on his forehead..

he refuse to leave the place when we wana go back.. keep goin ard to hugZ the elder kids.. wave byebye to the aunties there etc..

left shawn at home.. then we went sin ming ave for our bak ku tay... then we back yio chu kang rd to pump petrol.. the shell promo reali shock us.. the Q was so long.. i decided to walk back home first.. to give my mil his lunch.. then take LRT to compasspoint to c gyna...

i was feelin giddy since thur.. Fri nite.. i felt so bad.. need hubby to help me to the bathroom.. cant even stand n walk properly.. so hubby insist i go c gyna..

reach clinic at 1pm.. register.. but was told doc not there yet.. so i went shop ard.. n bought myself a bubble tea.. hee.. sat at the benches outside old cheng kee n read the paper...

decided to go wait at the clinic.. so i give hubby a call then went to sit at the clinic n wait..continue readin.. then i notice.. i saw someone who looks so familar.. tat MingLong.. my sec sch mate.. he n his wife oso wait to c the gyna..

i didn approach him.. (i m shy ma..) so i sms Huilin n seng.. seng reach after an hour.. at 2pm+.. i was still waiting.. but MingLong oso didn come talk to us.. til when the nurse call out my name.. he heard it.. then he shouted for Seng.. so LOUD... heng not so crowded liao.. n then call me oso.. we start to chat.. his wife oso due in jan.. n is their first son.. so nice..

looks like we r all moving to next stage of life le.. promoting to parent liao.. so many sec schmate had promoted... Jus make a list ...:

Me + Seng : #1 Son, #2 Son coming Jan

HuiLing + Glen: #1 Ger, #2 Coming

Tanny + GuoLiang: #1 Son

Hanyi + Winnie: #1 Son

Guqi + hubby: #1 Son Xavier, #2 Son Scott

MingLong + Wife: #1 Son coming Jan

LiShan + Hubby: #1 Son, #2 Son

YueJiao + ChunMu: #1 Ger Jocelyn, #2 Son Jordan

JiaRong + Wife: #1 Ger, #2 Son

Edalin + Hubby: #1 Son Matt

Not to forget some others... Jennifer Aw (#1Son), Ivy (#1Ger#2Son), Karen (#1Son)...

Long list to go on n on.. I guess i must have miss out lots of other i know of but didn hear from them for ages liao.. so duno their status now (married/Single or Parent liao) hee...

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