Sunday 11 October 2009

Shawn is 19mth old tdy - 12 Oct 2009

My darling shawn is 19mths old tdy.. he woke up every hr last nite.. (dun ask me YYY.. i oso duno.. he will wake up..eye shut n CRY.. ).. he had make me so tired.. headache & giddy this morning.. TIRED ah...

Sat 10Oct09.. again i bring him to the pool.. tot with more ppl tag along.. he will loves the pool again.. but.. hai.. unsuccessful again.. wonder what happen.. we went with my mum n brother n his gf.. shawn refuse to go into the water.. cry loud.. n even the others cant go into the water.. he scream for them to get out of the water.. so we try to grab him into the water.. he still cry.. end up he sit with me on the steps n watch other kids playin in the water.. he hug on to me.. refuse to let go lol.. i bring him to bath in the children toliet.. he was very good boy.. stand there n wait.. while i splash water on him.. he go "shoo shoo" as the water falls on his body.. cos it was so cold.. tat makes me laugh.. we left the pool at 5.30pm n head to Northpoint for dinner...

Shawn had his salmon rice wrap with egg.. he like tat.. hee.. sat in the high chair n eat..

Sun 11 Oct 2009... i woke up early to make some scramble egg n bread for shawn.. he woke up at 8.45am... had his bf.. then mil bath him.. while i prepare his stuff to go out.. my mum was on leave.. so we went pick her up n had our bf at amk.. then head to my er yi hse.. to collect the bean husk to make pillow for #2.. shawn was quiet at first at YiPO hse.. n the little mei mei there was staring at shawn oso.. but soon they start to play le.. shawn hug n sayang mei mei.. even share the ball with mei mei.. so proud of him.. :) when YiPo give him the biscuit.. he even wana give mei mei to eat first.. but i tell him to eat.. mei mei has hers liao.. shawn then put it into his mouth..

After tat we spend our day at my mum place.. shawn was playing n jumpin ard the hse lol.. even join my mum to brush his clothing in the toliet.. got himself all wet.. so i bath him after tat.. n he started to take the brush n brush his own clothing after the bath.. *faint*..

Left my mum place at 7.30pm.. shawn hold on to Waipo n insist wan her to follow us.. luckly he listen.. i told him we will come again next wk.. he guai guai de wave byebye to waipo.. even hug n kiss waipo..

we disturb shawn n refuse to let him slp in the car.. (whaha.. ) when he reach home.. he got fuss le.. so at 9.15pm.. i make him his 250ml milk... he finish it so fast.. but still wide awake.. so i play with him on the bed.. til 10pm.. daddy make another 120ml milk for him.. luckly he manage to close his eye n rest after the milk...

but from 11.45pm onward.. he keep wake up n cry.. hai.. my nitemare started..

Til tdy.. shawn

- refuse to learn ABC or 123... he will have only few min patient to listen to me read those books.. then he will pick up another book for me to read..

-refuse to sit on potty.. he only sit on the adult toliet bowl to poo every morning.. after tat will wait for us to pee him every 30-45min on the pee tray..

-refuse to address ppl straight away.. (expect for papa, mama, yeye, nainai) .. he need sometime to "warm" up.. then he will add them.. even for waipo..

-refuse to sit on highchair to have his meal.. now he sit on the tv when eating.. or ran abt liao.. (tiring while feeding him lol..hope to train him to self feed soon)

-refuse to put on diaper ... now he go use to go ard without diaper most of the time.. so he will so "shoo shoo".. when we put him on diaper.. he grab his butt.. like tellin us tats uncomfortable.. we need 3 adults to put diaper on 1toddler.. power leh..

-refuse to follow instruction... he wan thing in his way.. if we dun.. he will start his nonsense.. CRY.. sit on the floor n kick his leg.. even lyin on the floor now.. i will ignore him.. but mil will go sayang him as usual.. now he start to understand when i say " mummy say NO! NO!" then he will follow me n say NO!NO!... n stare at me...

In another 3wks time.. shawn is going to full time childcare le.. i hope i can help him to adapt fast.. i got lots of worries n she bu de.. but .. i must learn to let go.. else how can my boy learn more rite...

To Shawn: U must b brave n learn to protect urself k.. Daddy n mummy will b ard u to lead u.. but lots of thing will depend on urself as times goes by.. so u must b independent.. we love u lots..

To Hubby: I understand recently ur job are kind of stressful.. n mayb tats y u neglected US..(Shawn n i).. but i can c u r trying ur best le.. We still loves u dear.. even after tat SMS i send u.. heehee.. jus wana wake u up with tat.. *muack*

To little hero in me : u r getting more n more active.. every nite i can feel u jumpin in me le.. looking forward to c u this fri.. hope u r growing well in me :) we r left with 2.5mths more to go.. Daddy, Kor Kor & mummy love u ... u must jia you k.. pray for a healthy bb in 2.5mths time :)

1 comment:

  1. oh. u are going to gynae this friday again? My friend going too. haha. u both so coincident everytime.
